Yamaha Vocaloid Megpoid English

So ive been interested in the vocaloid thing for a while… the first one years ago lola was english but sounded a bit rubbish. br
Then it went all korean and japanese but started sounding preety decent.br
few weeks ago the brought out megpoid with english version of the vocaloid 3.br
Been playing with it for a few hours… Really just to find out of i could use it to write guide vocals for a real vocalist.br
Its pretty easy to use and the results are pretty interestingbr
heres a quick demo what do you think?

Thats pretty crazy phil…Is it similar to talk box?? or is it less hardware and just all software?

its just like a midi editor that you type lyrics in to.

Thats really odd aha! Sounds japanese :stuck_out_tongue:

I wonder, can you upload midi, say the recording of someone live singing, then converted to midi, then add the lyrics ?

i think it would be more usefull the other way round… you import midi write your lyrics and then use it as a guide for a real singer.br
I found another add on pack with a less japanees accentbr