Your Top 5 Films

Commando and Total Recal are real Arnie classics! Love them. Also Preditor.

ye the indiana films were really great too. and the back to the future ones… spielberg really lost his way somehow. although i really like schindlers list. the back to the future movies were so inventive and clever.

the music in commando is great too… love the “mall” scene…

i love sonnys chat up lines… “you f*kin ho-ar!” haha

the black girl was a looker too.

oh ye!! the army surps shop!! haha thats a great scene when hes “shopping” especially the secret room!

ok ok im gonna stop thinking about how great commando is! ill be here all night!

dont forget POINT BREAK too…   think im gonna have to change my list and add point break… lol too goood

[quote]roben (25/08/2010)[hr]Commando and Total Recal are real Arnie classics! Love them. Also Preditor.[/quote]

Mate you forgot Running Man. **** I remember recording that and total recall onto vhs and just watching them over and over on my 14" tv combi. Ahhh those were the days!

That scene where he pulls the thing out of his nose just manages to stay in your mind forever. Same with the baby popping out the guys belly and the three tittied woman hahaha. Yes!!!

[quote]saulable (26/08/2010)[hr][quote]roben (25/08/2010)[hr]Commando and Total Recal are real Arnie classics! Love them. Also Preditor.[/quote]

Mate you forgot Running Man. **** I remember recording that and total recall onto vhs and just watching them over and over on my 14" tv combi. Ahhh those were the days!

That scene where he pulls the thing out of his nose just manages to stay in your mind forever. Same with the baby popping out the guys belly and the three tittied woman hahaha. Yes!!![/quote]

Yeah… Running Man is great!

The Woman & the Man… Gas!

Remember watching it lots when I was younger & thinking it was really cool. Watched it again not too long ago and its still cool - totally… but its got a few years on it now obviously!

Predator is class… Liked Predator 2 as well. Different buzz, but cool.

Saw a Mockbuster the other night (or a bit of it anyway… ) Alien Vs. Hunter.


Based on Alien Vs. Predator. Awful FX… Done in like MSpaint or something. Truly bad. The “Hunter” was a Guy dressed up in a suit that looked like it was made from Kitchen Utensils.

Running man!! Forgot that one.

[quote]alinenunez (24/08/2010)[hr]heheh Twilight Movies !!! :smiley:

but this is my 5 fyavorites movies in the past 10 years i would say

Apocalypto .


the Godfather all the ones starring Al Pacino

Pam’s Labyrinth

the orphanage

I love pretty much all Quentin Tarantino Movies , and Guillermo del Toro Films.


Dude my friends uncle is Guillermo Del Toro i found out when i went to his house and saw a family Picture and saw him there i was like 0_0

Oh ye the butcher of bakersfield!! Great film.

I watched total recall again recently too… I wad amazed at how great the special effects were…


Oh ye welcome to a johnny cab! Lol

Get your *** to Mars!

So, was it all a dream or not?

Sharon Stone looked quite hot in it too

Ye man sharon was nice in it. She had a real bad accident in a car i think just after the film and nearly had her head took off. Thats why shes got a scar round her neck in later movies.

I think the story was that he was actually a bad guy undercover but the bad guys cleaned his brain too much, made him good and he turned on them…?

[quote]jonsloan (26/08/2010)[hr]So, was it all a dream or not?[/quote]

Yeah Dream I think

Not sure! All i remember is it being kick *** :smiley:

Lori: Doug, honey… you wouldn’t hurt me, would you, sweetheart? Sweetheart, be reasonable. After all, we’re married!

[Lori goes for her gun, Quaid shoots her in the head, killing her]

Douglas Quaid: Consider that a divorce!

Did anyone here like the Super Mario Bros film?

I actually used to really like that personally, probably the only game to movie i’ve ever liked lol.

ah he has so many quotable lines.

I’m pretty convinced it was a dream. There’s a lot going on but I haven’t got time to lay it all out now. I’m off out for the night. See ya.

top 3

fear & loathing las vegas.

the matrix


i dont think it was a dream. i think it was completely true. factual. like panorama. a fly on the wall documentary :smiley:

i watched it not long ago and was amazed at all the things in it (in the future) that we actually have now… electric cars… tv’s on the trains… tv’s in cabs… video advertisement billboards… loads

what about robocop… watched that about a year ago again… man its so violent! i couldnt believe i was allowed to watch that when i was a kid…

  1. Fight Club
  2. The Machinist
  3. Donnie Darko
  4. Vanilla Sky
  5. CashBack

[quote]Subject 1 (30/08/2010)[hr]1. Fight Club

2. The Machinist

3. Donnie Darko

4. Vanilla Sky

5. CashBack[/quote]

The Machinist is a wicked movie

I just watched four lions last night. Has to be the funniest film I’ve ever seen. Some of the line’s are absolute belters.

“Rubber dinghy rapids bro”

Watch it!

[quote]slender (30/08/2010)[hr][quote]Subject 1 (30/08/2010)[hr]1. Fight Club

2. The Machinist

3. Donnie Darko

4. Vanilla Sky

5. CashBack[/quote]

The Machinist is a wicked movie[/quote]

yeah it mind****s you for a bit :smiley:

to prepare for the role i think i read bale ate one apple a day. thats it. nothing else. for months… lol