Your track may be stolen

I’ve already informed two people who’s tracks have shamelessly been ripped, re-labelled and sold on beatport … this guy might have one of your tunes

… he hasn’t used any of mine! :blush:

oi Gav, stop using the old Flash Beatport site. Don’t you know Apple said Flash is dead! :wink:

[quote]jonsloan (07/12/2011)[hr]oi Gav, stop using the old Flash Beatport site. Don’t you know Apple said Flash is dead! ;)[/quote]

I was enjoying a bit of old skool!! :slight_smile:

Victor Trotta is a rotta :slight_smile:

He’s a very naughty boy … time for him to change his name and start again no doubt! :satisfied:

LOL have a look at the comments


He’s pulled the mix down. It was getting pretty heated on the comments so no wonder. That’s the first proper **** storm I’ve seen on soundcloud. Boy, does he deserve it though. Nicking people’s material. I mean, how long did he expect to get away with it for?

Dude’s got over 30 tracks on Beatport. Makes you wonder how MANY of them are his.

[quote]jonsloan (07/12/2011)[hr]Dude’s got over 30 tracks on Beatport. Makes you wonder how MANY of them are his.[/quote]

Two so far - the record company has apologised and has asked Beatport to pull the EP

[quote]jonsloan (07/12/2011)[hr]Dude’s got over 30 tracks on Beatport. Makes you wonder how MANY of them are his.[/quote]

Makes you wonder if he’s the only one doing this! :w00t:

Ok I confess all my tracks are actually Jans :w00t:

ALL my tracks are stolen :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]Mussi81 (07/12/2011)[hr]ALL my tracks are stolen :P[/quote]

You night wanna rob from a better artist then! :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]gavisthename (07/12/2011)[hr][quote]Mussi81 (07/12/2011)[hr]ALL my tracks are stolen :P[/quote]

You night wanna rob from a better artist then! :P[/quote]

Quote of the week :hehe:

[quote]slender (07/12/2011)[hr][quote]gavisthename (07/12/2011)[hr][quote]Mussi81 (07/12/2011)[hr]ALL my tracks are stolen :P[/quote]

You night wanna rob from a better artist then! :P[/quote]

Quote of the week :hehe:[/quote]

Lol cnts :hehe:

Tbh, if your gonna rip off or steal other peoples work i would put you in the same category as rapists or child molestors, with that i mean this world would be better off without you so ya might as well just go and chop your ball sac off, eat it and then set yourself on fire.

I also have to clear this up, i was the ‘ghost’ producer of Nomad Spectrums latest single…

Im still waiting for my cheque…

Not to worry tho, Nomad Spectrum told me he would pay me as soon as someone buys a copy…

Its going to be a long wait Jan and the way this goverment is going we will have broken all ties with Europe and be floating in the mid Atlantic somewhere :smiley: