Ben Klock


i really love this typical berghain sound produced e.g. by ben klock. i’d be really happy about a tutorial.


[quote]dennis148 (25/08/2010)[hr]Hey,

i really love this typical berghain sound produced e.g. by ben klock. i’d be really happy about a tutorial.


There is a few people who would agree with you mate - click the link :slight_smile:

Just bought his berghain 04 cd, good listen

Yeah… YT’d the tracklist from it last nite… Think I’ll get it too.



me too love Klock and Dettmann and Shed etc…

You are in great company so!

Welcome to the Site Man - Check your PM’s :smiley:

i recently did a try to recreate that sound in ableton.

it think the key is eq,eq,eq (get a lot of space in the sound),long reverb chains, bitcrushing, delay and comrepssion of course. but it’s not that easy :frowning:

[quote]dennis148 (29/08/2010)[hr]i recently did a try to recreatethat sound inableton.

it think the key is eq,eq,eq (get a lot of space in the sound),long reverb chains, bitcrushing, delay and comrepssion of course. but it’s not that easy :([/quote]

Love to hear a sample mate :slight_smile:

Hey Dennis…

Know its like asking how long is a peice of string Mate… But could you give an idea of what reverb settings you used & what Areas in EQ you took out.

Of course it all depends on the type of sound you are sticking through it, but I would love to know what you did as a guide. No pressure mate… just wondering in general.

I tried doing it on Kicks… Absolute mess. gave up.

Life is too short. Dont think its a good idea to try & ape the Kick sound… but the rest of it, the big reverb, messed up delays is fair game! That can be borrowed :slight_smile:

actually i took a 909 kick and lowfiltered at ~300hz added a long reverb and layered it with a bandpassed tom. also reverb on the tom and dont forget compression (not to much). i think this is a good starting point.

i also used a pad and bitcrsuhed it (for textures) and cutted lows and highs out of it. for percussions i just used woodblocks with filters and delays on it. all with native ableton plugins. dont forget to give every element enough room (eq).

i’m no professional and would like to get hints of other more experienced users :slight_smile:

Mate… We should probably bring all this into the Tech Production Tips thread… It’ll be lost here.

I’ll just quote this & stick it in there if you dont mind. We need more discussion of Techniques over there! LOL

