Can we please have an update/response on the 2 trance topics in the tutorial forum?


Please give us a response, at least from a good customer service point of view as some of us, not just me, feel like we are being ignored, dismissed, told to shut up or not to ask. We are 100% left in the dark. We have to date ,never been give any update what so ever in particular on the tutorial Chris Agnelli started (or so he said) about 3 or more months ago which why I continued to pay for the site.

Was I mislead?

Maybe not, but there have been changes and as a paying customers we have a right to know.

So I ask again, please respond to out requests and tell us whats going on, again, we are paying customers and all we are asking for is service.

Yeah it would be nice to have a proper response instead of just getting told 'its out when its out. Lol i fear people are gonna revolt unless a trance tut is made lol.

Is Chris Agnelli even part of the Sonic Academy crew anymore? I thought that pill had posted before filling everyone in on what happened when he and bry took over SA.

I Think Phil and Bry have mentioned that Chris Agnelli as well as other older members of SA will still be involved as much as possible but not actually team members. If this is the case then its not SA’s Fault that the tutorial hasn’t been covered yet as they can’t really push Chris Agnelli to do it if he’s not staff.

I may be wrong but that’s how i thought things went down.

you guys know you want a sweet addition to the techno tutorial. don’t lie :smiley:

but seriously. i’d like 2 know when we are getting our trance tut as well!

Chris Agnelli had mentioned he had started one in logic i think but as hes no long staff I’m sure we will have to wait a while for this tutorial maybe phil or bry will do another one, Phils trance tutorial is one of the best tutorials on the site.

anyway we will get to trance once all 5 million sub genres of house have been covered :w00t:

last time I checked the trance tutorial wasn’t finished or it wasnt working properly.

maby this has been updated since I did it during the summer.

the videos like skip and are missing some pieces…

jan or wayne? can you confirm this?

[quote]UnitedVision (08/12/2010)[hr]last time I checked the trance tutorial wasn’t finished or it wasnt working properly.

maby this has been updated since I did it during the summer.

the videos like skip and are missing some pieces…

jan or wayne? can you confirm this?[/quote]

yeah the last vid says now we’ll be moving onto the build up and then nothing. customer service told me via email ages ago that the rest was lost due to some reason or another. I have the email still!

So we dont even have a complete trance tut.

Maybe SA dosent was “Trance” business anymore… we’re not worthy! :wink:

I dont want to sound like a complete prick but Phils trance tutorials are the worst most dated tutoriala on the site. Sorry but its true…


[quote]jjdejong0 (08/12/2010)[hr]I dont want to sound like a complete prick but Phils trance tutorials are the worst most dated tutoriala on the site. Sorry but its true…[/quote]

lol. if u didn’t want 2, you wouldnt have posted that! sorry but it’s true!

tech trance tut wasn’t bad. gave insight on how to accomplish some techniques. i think what your talking about really for either 1 is the sounds. yah i mean, I understand that a bunch of the sounds are outdated… and don’t get me wrong I’m really looking forward to the trance tutorial as well…

but what i’m more interested in is the techniques for modern trance, with eq/mixing/FX/arrangement…

I think the biggest selling point about them having 2 redo the trance tutorial is that the main trance tutorial is not complete. if it got lost, thats fine. then give us a new 1 :smiley:

it’s like paying to live in a house that doesn’t have windows or doors. so i feel your pain.

Please please please bring out a Trance Tut!!! Personally i dont like it, but whats worse is everyone moaning about it. I thought u (Trance) guys were meant to be keeping this to one thread??? I take it your man from trancemusicmastery hasnt delivered the goods yet?? :wink:

[quote]djelzo (08/12/2010)[hr]Please please please bring out a Trance Tut!!! Personally i dont like it, but whats worse is everyone moaning about it. I thought u (Trance) guys were meant to be keeping this to one thread??? I take it your man from trancemusicmastery hasnt delivered the goods yet?? ;)[/quote]


[quote]djelzo (08/12/2010)[hr]I take it your man from trancemusicmastery hasnt delivered the goods yet?? ;)[/quote]

Nope, he has 3 more weeks and i’ll be removing the paypal subscription.

You mean you actually paid??? :wink:

Trance guys should do what Boneidol did… that worked! LOL


Seriously though… whatever happened to your Trance Thread Guys?

and also/again - why didnt you do your own Trance Production thread?

You could still do that… have an index on the 1st page with links to all the topics that you all have been posting about individually, and then start fresh from there.

Maybe if SA could see the support they might horse it out a bit quicker to y’all :cool:

You saw how what we did worked :Whistling:

The reason there is no trance tutorial is because nobody likes trance lol

If nobody likes why has the dj top 100 been won by only trance dj’s?? Yes when Sasha and Digweed won it they were also doing a very progressive form of trance. Then 3 years of Tiesto and 4 years of Armin. Also Oakie a year. The top ten is consistently littered with trance producers. Also if David Guetta is the pinacle of commercial house why is he only number 2? You can shout that the votes are boaght but David Guetta has more money than Armin… Also i was only talking about SA’s HTSL John O’Callaghan incomplete tutorial. Also the trance music master guy doesnt HAVE to deliver he hasnt taken any of my money. SA have. Saying it cos its true :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]jjdejong0 (08/12/2010)[hr] Also the trance music master guy doesnt HAVE to deliver he hasnt taken any of my money. SA have. Saying it cos its true :P[/quote]

Ha ha, thought you would bite!! fishy fishy fishy :wink:

I was just pulling your plonker :slight_smile:

[quote]jjdejong0 (08/12/2010)[hr]If nobody likes why has the dj top 100 been won by only trance dj’s?? Yes when Sasha and Digweed won it they were also doing a very progressive form of trance. Then 3 years of Tiesto and 4 years of Armin. Also Oakie a year. The top ten is consistently littered with trance producers. Also if David Guetta is the pinacle of commercial house why is he only number 2? You can shout that the votes are boaght but David Guetta has more money than Armin… Also i was only talking about SA’s HTSL John O’Callaghan incomplete tutorial. Also the trance music master guy doesnt HAVE to deliver he hasnt taken any of my money. SA have. Saying it cos its true :P[/quote]

totally agree

trance dj’s rock the show every year

this is why i CANT BELIEVE a decent trance tut doesnt belong to this site yet
