Can't See The Subscriber Forum? CLICK HERE

me too…this is my second year as a subsciber and i never knew there was another forum.

i cant see this either

Can’t see subs forums either - cheers.

Since the new website has been latched I can’t see subscriber support

Edit: I can see it

If you try to post add reply it brings you to a screen that has boxes for your email address and password from there you can see subscriber forum and post !

Knowledge is power

Just back on the site Guys…

Cant see the subscriber Forum… Could you add me back in please?

Nice job on Site btw… Nice & fresh looking compared to the old Black :smiley:


EDIT - All fixed - Had to log in a 2nd time.

Bit weird… but its cool now.

Didn’t know of the subscriber forum. Want to see it.


hey guys, i can t see the subscriber forum!

  1. i logged in
  2. clicked on community → no subscriber forum
  3. than i replied on this topic and i was asked to login again
  4. after that i saw the subscriber forum

    so i guess there is a bug?!


i dont see the subscriber forum

Hey guys! Before the new design I was able to reach “subscriber videos”. I paid for a year subscription 2-3 weeks ago. Can’t find it on the new site, all I see is “subscribe now”. Very annoying.

I’m a subscriber and I can’t see the subscriber forum so an update would be appreciated. Since i’m not planning to continue my subscription is there any way I can cancel the subscription on my own? I’ve sent customer service a couple of mails but haven’t gotten a response so far.

Hey, im a subscriber(since september) and cant see the subcriber forum

Any chance of an update

Many thanks :slight_smile:

please upgrade me. thank you :wink:

I’m pretty sure I don’t have it either:doze:

I subscribed last summer for a whole year… please help me, cant access anything on the new site :frowning:

hi, i’m a subscriber plus for a month to test and try the services and if it ismgood i will make a year plus subscription, but i can do only the same as a free account… please upgrade my account.

thanks from spain, edu



you should all have received instructions by email as to how to resolve problems on your account - we have been in touch with every one who has had an issue.



i havnt recieved any instructions! :frowning:

hi guys,

i have checked all your accounts and you all have subscriber plus access to the site. so at the least you should all have access to the videos.

as for forum access, i know a few of you have had success in getting access to the subscriber forum recently.

can those of you who still cannot see the subscriber forums please reply back to this post or PM me directly so that i can look into it!
