Come on england!

Who’s gonna be watching the FOOTBALL game today? I know we have a few yanks on s.a, will you guys be watching?

England are gonna whip your ***! Lol


I sound so scrooge like but honestly i have a bad feeling about this game, but then again i get this every time the euros or world cup is on, i dunno.

On the off topic, them F***ing horns are already annoying the crap out of me, it was like one massive fog horn last night when France played lol.

Think its going to be a good WC but i cant say i’m impressed with what they did with some of the how do you say it, ‘undesirables’ that they did not want the world to see before the tournament started, but like the Olympics thats politics crap, on the other hand its nice to see something good from Africa and give them something to smile about for those that can actually afford to go to matches that is.

I hope we win today but i just dunno lmaooo

i feel very sad when i hear people say COME ON ENGLAND!!! etc etc…  sad in the upset way, not “sad” in the, youre pathetic/ a sado type way…

reason is i dont think the england team actually realise how much faith and hope the country puts in them. i really dont think they give a flying **** about winning it for the country. overpaid, arrogant, thick, selfish, page 3 knobbing *'s.

i hope we lose and get kicked out quickly to save all the heartache again. theres such  build up to them getting through to the finals and then they just loaf about on the pitch like tomorrow will do.

when the kids team that ian wright coaches grows up and starts playing for the country i think well have a great chance at winning the WC. they asked wright why he doesnt get invloved with the england team. he said theyre already too much in it for the money/glamour/and fame. i want to get the kids and teach them what its really all about and how proud you should be to have the priviledge to play for england.

rant over lol

and before anyone says its cos im not patriotic, its actually because im so patriotic that these wasters p me off.

cecil rhodes once said “to be born british, is come first in the lottery of life.” i love that statment. :smiley:

[quote]jpgetty2win (12/06/2010)[hr]i feel very sad when i hear people say COME ON ENGLAND!!! etc etc…  sad in the upset way, not “sad” in the, youre pathetic/ a sado type way…

reason is i dont think the england team actually realise how much faith and hope the country puts in them. i really dont think they give a flying **** about winning it for the country. overpaid, arrogant, thick, selfish, page 3 knobbing *'s.

i hope we lose and get kicked out quickly to save all the heartache again. theres such  build up to them getting through to the finals and then they just loaf about on the pitch like tomorrow will do.

when the kids team that ian wright coaches grows up and starts playing for the country i think well have a great chance at winning the WC. they asked wright why he doesnt get invloved with the england team. he said theyre already too much in it for the money/glamour/and fame. i want to get the kids and teach them what its really all about and how proud you should be to have the priviledge to play for england.

rant over lol

and before anyone says its cos im not patriotic, its actually because im so patriotic that these wasters p me off.

cecil rhodes once said “to be born british, is come first in the lottery of life.” i love that statment. :D[/quote]


to be fair you are probably right! but dont you think things are different this time round? im 29 and i dont think ive ever know england to qualify in the manner that they did. very convincing, we normally stuggle.

our manager is stricter and has more experience than anyone else.

i dont think the players are as good as weve had before but i think the team is the best wevehad in a long time. and the press havent gone over board like they normally do.

i only we will get to the quater or semi finals but im gonna enjoy anyway

believe my friend! :wink:

As long as we don’t lose to the yanks…

It’s not even their national sport ffs lol

Just getting myself sorted now to head to my mates for pre match beers and chilli:D

[quote]roben (12/06/2010)[hr]As long as we don’t lose to the yanks…

It’s not even their national sport ffs lol[/quote]

Indeed :smiley:

i gotta f***ing hangover again , was gonna get up early to watch the game, but dont think i can tolerate any more drinking after last night

we want some rooney magic!

[quote]tommyt (12/06/2010)[hr]i gotta f***ing hangover again , was gonna get up early to watch the game, but dont think i can tolerate any more drinking after last night[/quote]

you sure you aint just diabetic? lol

[quote]berwin9 (12/06/2010)[hr]we want some rooney magic![/quote]

Don’t particularly want to know about your fantasys


maybe borderline diabetic

1-1, could be worse i suppose, but green what where you dreaming of mate?

good game can’t take anything away from USA, our keeper made a mistake (silly one) that anyone could have made.

don’t get your heads down though lads we knew USA were gonna be a hard game, their not the basic playing team they were 10 years ago :slight_smile:

well done both teams.

would have enjoyed the game much more if i had been able to drink instead of being sick with my kidney and liver problems :slight_smile:

Tbh i thought quite a few positives in the match, Lennon looked coming onto form, Heskey done his done well while he was playing and i think rooney and lampard if they get abit of form going now its off and running, with gerrard on form, we should have plenty to be optimistic about and im more optimistic then i was this morning cause regardless what them stupid tv commentators say states are a decent side, quality team actually.

I think overall a draw was a fair result.

If our players were more in it for the love and passion of the game over the money, fame and glamour, we’d have won, end off.

HA HA HA E N G L A N D S U C K S !!!

Tonight Germany wins vs Kangaroos !!! 3:0 :smiley:




[quote]roben (13/06/2010)[hr]Farce



4:0 What Farce do you mean ?
