FM - John Dahlback

Looks to be a 90min vid with John Dahlback in this months FM.

Not sure if I especially love all his music - but it looks like it could be a good one.

Cheers for the heads up! :slight_smile:

Everything the guy produces is straight fiyah

Awesome, just waiting for it to get delivered!

I used to dig a bit of John and jesper :wink:

Got it in the post! Can’t wait to get home and see it :smiley:

check out his copy of sylenth where it says who its registered to.:w00t:

Didn’t anyone feel this was a bit of a cheek considering that the guy is running cracked software on a future music DVD for the world to see.

check out his sylenth1 first, well unless his licence name is “TEAM AiR” it’s a must be cracked moment.

everyone can turn a blind eye to people just starting or learning who maybe don’t know if they want to make music as a full time hobby but to use cracked software and make a career out of it is just wrong.

It’s a banged out court case waiting to happen, he even mentions in the video that he loves sylenth1 and uses it all the time lol.

Hi Jon, how are ya man?

Yeah… also heard something about Avicci or whatever the fk his name is, using a Team VTX Sylenth.

Its crazy **** when you earn money from music you really should pay for the tools you feed yourself with.

I’m good by the way, hope you’re all doing well. i do still check in from time to time but never seen much worth adding my comments :slight_smile:

Parking the ethical stuff for a minute - the stupidity alone of getting caught like that. What a knob - hahaha.

The vid is being watched by people who scrutinise all that sh!t like trainspotters. It was a dumb move.

Nice to see you’re still alive Jon. Yeah… I guess you are right - LOL

I’ll have to watch the videos again but if you’re quick you’ll spot a part in the videos showing H20 on one of the Cubase screens and also i think it was ace and the other synth too was also cracked, wouldn’t surprise me if all those samples were illegally downloaded too.

Can you only see that in the full vid? Cause I didn’t see anything in that trailer.

LOL epic fail - some people are tres stupido :smiley:

FM should have stuck a black box over the registration details. LOL


Anyone actually have an opinion on the Vid itself?

Is it 90mins - and is it any good? :slight_smile:

The video is good enough, you get to see how he makes a track with out hiding things (obviously he should have hidden some) good to watch how people work but he only uses presets and then tweaks so nothing major on the learning scale.

The tracks reasonable though even for someone at that level.

Cheers Jon :slight_smile:

dahlback is going to jail!

We have the screenshots! LOL

[quote]ICN (02/11/2011)[hr]We have the screenshots! LOL[/quote]

We all do :hehe: