FM - John Dahlback

Hey Jon good to see you!

lol @ JH team air fail, I totally agree with Jon. It’s totally understandable if you’re just ‘trying out’ software, but if you’ve got to a point where you use it all the time and are actually making a living from it then it’s probably worth paying for the software.

After all if you’re making money from what comes from it, then it’s time to pass that on along the chain.

Haha just checked through some vid’s and seems like future music have really dropped the ball over the past few months as not only has John Dalback offended but also Avicii with Sylenth1 TEAM VTX and Joachim Garraud using a cracked version of Gladiator.

I wonder if next week they’ll show us a video of eminem bolding down the road with a stolen VCR under his arm.

[quote]Jon_fisher (02/11/2011)[hr]

I wonder if next week they’ll show us a video of eminem bolding down the road with a stolen VCR under his arm.[/quote]


Just commented on future music’s facebook page :slight_smile: join in and add your own comments lol

Cant see anything Jon - did they take it down?

yeah they removed it and blocked me from posting on their wall lol

FFS! What did you say?

Did you throw a stone, or was it a fair point? :smiley:

I love your magazine but am starting to wonder why we pay for your magazine when you feature artist such as John Dalback, Avicii, Joachim Garraud using cracked software. at the very least make some attempt to hid the on screen names so that other people don’t follow in the footsteps of these offending artist.

First off i dont agree with using cracked software but you cant pass judgement based on a few vids.

Also Jon do you not feel a bit like you ratted them out? I mean wether we agree with it or not, its not our job to alert anyone. Leave that to the software companies. I also think the people who make the vst’s will care more about said artist using their plugins rather than if they paid for it.

Saying that these software companies could be clever and claim x amount of record sales should be theirs as said tracks were made using illegal products.

But still i could never email the mag or post on their wall as id feel sorta like a snitch, also it will come out anyway so might as well leave it to someone else to rat them out or get caught by the authorities.

[quote]Jon_fisher (02/11/2011)[hr]yeah they removed it and blocked me from posting on their wall lol[/quote]

LOL - does Jan work for them :D:P:w00t:

[quote]jjdejong0 (02/11/2011)[hr]
Also Jon do you not feel a bit like you ratted them out? I mean wether we agree with it or not, its not our job to alert anyone.

But still i could never email the mag or post on their wall as id feel sorta like a snitch, also it will come out anyway so might as well leave it to someone else to rat them out or get caught by the authorities.[/quote]

Jan you crack me right up.

You come on here saying that you have to report people for going off topic & yet you are saying that you should ignore people who used cracked software etc…


You know, if you were consistant (in a positive way) I’d have a bit more respect for you.

If you read my posts you will see i said i dont agree with having to use the report button as it feels like snitching and i ask for stricter modding which backs up the whole leaving it to the powers that be argument i made in this thread. If you spent a bit more time reading my posts instead of grabbing any oppertunity to polish your flame cannon then i would also have more respect for you.

The only point i was making was that i think it should just be left to the people who deal with this **** rather than us doing it.

Oh I read them alright (with one eye open as I dont want to rot my brain).

The point is that you are going mental about one thing - saying how OT its potentially hurting SA’s business - then have a hippy attitude about the “software situation” that we’re talking about here - which is definitely ruining businesses.

Thats why I’m feeling sad :slight_smile:

I personally think that you feel like an outsider Jan & thats why you like to kick up the dust.

So back to the John Dahlback dvd…

Was it any good? I haven’t watched it yet.

[quote]Roben (02/11/2011)[hr]So back to the John Dahlback dvd…

Was it any good? I haven’t watched it yet.[/quote]

Already been asked Rob. Read Jon’s post.

LMAO! OOOhhhh ICN please let me into your gang!!!

Also what does having every thread hijacked by your mumbo jumbo which leads to scaring potential customers and ratting people out have to do with each other?

Also i want to clarify there are no bad or negative things from me aimed at Jon, i think hes a friendly helpfull guy. I was just asking his oppinion on the matter, i feel Jon is intelligent enough to understand this but just thought id clarify.

No, you cant join the Gang Jan :smiley:

[quote]jjdejong0 (02/11/2011)[hr]First off i dont agree with using cracked software but you cant pass judgement based on a few vids.

Also Jon do you not feel a bit like you ratted them out? I mean wether we agree with it or not, its not our job to alert anyone. Leave that to the software companies. I also think the people who make the vst’s will care more about said artist using their plugins rather than if they paid for it.

Saying that these software companies could be clever and claim x amount of record sales should be theirs as said tracks were made using illegal products.

But still i could never email the mag or post on their wall as id feel sorta like a snitch, also it will come out anyway so might as well leave it to someone else to rat them out or get caught by the authorities.[/quote]

It’s every music lovers duty to rat these people out mate if you don’t see the reasons why then me telling you won’t make a blind bit of difference. would you call the police if some one stole something from your house or garden and car ? Its’ the same when people make money from cracked software!! you pay higher prices because they don’t wanna pay effectively taking money from your pocket (robbing you).

Its not that i feel anything for these companies or that i’ve never used cracked software, Illegal download music but these days i have opened my eyes to the damage that it is doing to the industry and i feel like im protecting my interests int he future of the music i love.

Fact is house music is more popular now than its ever been but then so are download sites, The same goes for music production!

On the flip side there will be people that will go out and buy sylenth just because dahlback is using it and the will be people that will download a crack version then go and buy it because they like it.

If it wasn’t for cracked software I would not have bought cubase 5, ableton 8, and traktor. That’s good for the business.