
SA is back - was getting random post cold turkey :slight_smile:

[quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr]SA is back - was getting random post cold turkey :)[/quote]

Yes, and I have such tales of the weekend, keen to share with one and all :wink:

Glad you are back SA old chum!

[quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr]SA is back - was getting random post cold turkey :)[/quote]

Yes, and I have such tales of the weekend, keen to share with one and all :wink:

Glad you are back SA old chum![/quote]

LOL Warwick probably seen it all mate - I used to DJ at a mixed gay lesbian SM club - nothing could shock me thse days :wink:

It’s back finally! Server was down a little too long for comfort.

Last time this happened we ended up getting a forum message not too long after from Phil saying that SA nearly went under but luckily himself and Bryan bought it up!

I don’t use any other forum and can’t see me doing so, if this place goes down i’ll be left with boring crappy facebook, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

[quote]Roben (04/04/2011)[hr]It’s back finally! Server was down a little too long for comfort.

Last time this happened we ended up getting a forum message not too long after from Phil saying that SA nearly went under but luckily himself and Bryan bought it up!

I don’t use any other forum and can’t see me doing so, if this place goes down i’ll be left with boring crappy facebook, noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.[/quote]

apologies guys

its all your pointless emails to and fro filling the server up. - we got the mail back up and running for the forum, but apparently not the disk space to cope with it. so will order more space before turning it back on

[quote]bryan spence (04/04/2011)[hr]

apologies guys

its all your pointless emails to and fro filling the server up. - we got the mail back up and running for the forum, but apparently not the disk space to cope with it. so will order more space before turning it back on


Ha ha ha, all the PM back stabbing bringing the server down :cool:

Damn no PM’s - I’m going to miss all those messages of love from you guys :wink:

Great work Team Awesome :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]bangthedj (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]bryan spence (04/04/2011)[hr]

apologies guys

its all your pointless emails to and fro filling the server up. - we got the mail back up and running for the forum, but apparently not the disk space to cope with it. so will order more space before turning it back on


Ha ha ha, all the PM back stabbing bringing the server down :cool:[/quote]

What’s PM back stabbing?

[quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr]SA is back - was getting random post cold turkey :)[/quote]

Yes, and I have such tales of the weekend, keen to share with one and all :wink:

Glad you are back SA old chum![/quote]

LOL Warwick probably seen it all mate - I used to DJ at a mixed gay lesbian SM club - nothing could shock me thse days ;)[/quote]

Oh, look at you all blasé and experienced. I bet I could show you a thing or two young man :wink:

But would he want to see it? :pinch: :slight_smile: :cool:

Slender, come out the closet you big gay bear.

[quote]Roben (04/04/2011)[hr]Slender, come out the closet you big gay bear.[/quote]


[quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]Roben (04/04/2011)[hr]Slender, come out the closet you big gay bear.[/quote]



[quote]Roben (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]Roben (04/04/2011)[hr]Slender, come out the closet you big gay bear.[/quote]




[quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr]SA is back - was getting random post cold turkey :)[/quote]

Yes, and I have such tales of the weekend, keen to share with one and all :wink:

Glad you are back SA old chum![/quote]

LOL Warwick probably seen it all mate - I used to DJ at a mixed gay lesbian SM club - nothing could shock me thse days ;)[/quote]

Oh, look at you all blasé and experienced. I bet I could show you a thing or two young man ;)[/quote]

Young man - lol - long time I’ve been called that gramps :smiley:

Slender’s so old that his baby pictures are carved on the wall of the family cave.

[quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr]SA is back - was getting random post cold turkey :)[/quote]

Yes, and I have such tales of the weekend, keen to share with one and all :wink:

Glad you are back SA old chum![/quote]

LOL Warwick probably seen it all mate - I used to DJ at a mixed gay lesbian SM club - nothing could shock me thse days ;)[/quote]

Oh, look at you all blasé and experienced. I bet I could show you a thing or two young man ;)[/quote]

Young man - lol - long time I’ve been called that gramps :D[/quote]

Oh… wait a minute… I know who you are! I thought I recognised the name!

[quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]WarwickD (04/04/2011)[hr][quote]slender (04/04/2011)[hr]SA is back - was getting random post cold turkey :)[/quote]

Yes, and I have such tales of the weekend, keen to share with one and all :wink:

Glad you are back SA old chum![/quote]

LOL Warwick probably seen it all mate - I used to DJ at a mixed gay lesbian SM club - nothing could shock me thse days ;)[/quote]

Oh, look at you all blasé and experienced. I bet I could show you a thing or two young man ;)[/quote]

Young man - lol - long time I’ve been called that gramps :D[/quote]

Oh… wait a minute… I know who you are! I thought I recognised the name![/quote]

Yes hello DAD :slight_smile:


Warwick - Have you ever been called a Troll? :slight_smile: