How To Make - Ambient with Bluffmunkey / 1400

Ambient with Bluffmunkey

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We’re slowing the tempo down…, Ok - we’re basically removing it completely this week and welcome back Bluffmunkey for a lesson in all things emotive and blissful as he looks at How to Make Ambient.

A very different type of course and style of music that focuses more on feelings than getting hands in the air. We check out some of the synths, effects and libraries used, building our sound palette, and how we can keep the listener interested with evolving textures, samples, and modulation.

Dim the lights, get comfy and check it out!

glass, kraftwerk, enigma?

excellent content as always - a particular thanks for bringing State Azure to my attention.
I have no issues with video streaming, in fact now that Sonic Academy have changed servers I am getting better play back across the site.

Enjoyed this one. Was nice to hear about the approach/inspiration.

I am really learning a lot with this course. I know it is a silly question, but I am asking anyway, where can I find that ANA 2 HK Arp Pluck Preset?
Thank you

It’s a Preset from this expansion Presets Pack : ANA 2 Presets Volume 12 - Progressive Trance

Hope this helps ! :wink:



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Welcome on board and thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses:

Tutorial 12: “… before adding an organic ‘Duduk’ flute element.”
The duduk is not a flute but an (Armenian) oboe with a double reed of about 10 cm as mouthpiece.
Regardless - a tutorial that appeals to me.

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Welcome to the forums and thanks for your comment and feedback ! :sunglasses:

Thanks for this course. It was well researched and informative.

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Very informative and easy to follow, great cinematic ambient track!

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Welcome to the forums and thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses:

Hi, this course is great, I am learning a lot. I wish you would generate more courses in the style of your Summer DJ intro, Thank you.

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imho this course would be helped considerably if the presenter collected and organized his thoughts before recording, and thought through an effective way to present the key ideas. In a lot of this course the amount of information conveyed per unit time is very small. In this one it took 13 minutes to say 1.) consider using some samples; 2.) consider using some filtering, compression, and reverb.

Very enjoyable, easy listening very good tutor.

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What are you using to input the sounds?