How To Make - Techno with Mac Vaughn / 1503

Great Course Thanks Mac. You know it’s a good one when I make it fully through a 6+ hour tutorial.

My tracks usually finish after arrangement/automation and bog standard FX and that Sound Design section really showed that extra 20% needed to take it to the next level.

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Very good course here. I find it’s laid out well what to do in each specific part, while also transferrable that you can apply to other tracks that you are working on yourself.

I like the fact that you don’t hold back on the fact that every sound can be tweaked and have fx/plugins used to make the parts sound distinct and/or punchy in their own way.

I look forward to using these techniques in further tracks that I make.

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Welcome to the forums and thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses:


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Ace course, really enjoying thanks for taking the time to put this together its great!

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thanks so much for the tips in this one!

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Welcome aboard on the forums ! :sunglasses:

super amazing !!!
where i can found plugin like Sting ? because i work on cubase

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@Vider Thanks for your comment ! :sunglasses:

Not sure about an alternative to Sting since this is not a VST but a M4L ( Max for Live ) Device.

Maybe RIFFER from Audiomodern might be good for this too since it’s a Midi generator :wink:

By far the funniest Tutor. Love it. :slight_smile:

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