How To Make - Trance ASOT Style with James Dymond / 1637

Such a good tutorial. Thanks again for this really helpful course. Cheers Paddy.

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Hey James Dymond,

Amazing tutorial again! I have your other ones as well.

WE really need to dig deeper for the Major Scale / Minor Scale thing and how to use them in Uplifting Trance. I would be very very interested if you can prepare a tutorial on that :slight_smile:

One other thing,

Is there specific reason that you do not use a Limiter to catch the peaks in bus groups?

Hello James Dymond,
This tutorial is very complete and well explained, I thank you very much for spending some of your time to enlighten us on the best way to make Asot 2.0 trance music.
Merci ! Merci ! Merci …

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Ok just finished the course. James Dymond did it again!!!

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Some I see you often do is to use a low shelf rather than a high pass to remove the low end of anything that doesn’t belong in the bass (i.e. not the kick or sub bass). Is there a reason for using the low shelf (which only removes about 12dB), rather than a high pass (which can remove more, especially as the frequency gets lower)?

@keroser That’s what the compressor is for. Due to the course restrictions of using mostly free or FL Studio plugins, I couldn’t show the extended process. Which would be using a hardware emulation compressor, where you can add a lot more compression without it over stressing. Sometimes using two of these to catch any additional peak.

If you check my last course here on SA I go into the full breakdown of this process :slight_smile:

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@Chalisque For sure, I did that on the main lead cut off automations, for something small that doesn’t move much like the acid cut off I don’t really feel the need for it.

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@Chalisque Generally the types of sounds used for the mid and high range won’t have too much low end on them to begin with, so one EQ is generally enough to remove the excess low. Completely removing the low on every single channel is going to remove some warmth in your mix. If there is a sound which still has some remaining low I’d like to remove, usually another low cut on an EQ will do the job :slight_smile:

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I thought to do an experiment (probably when I’ve finished working through the course). I’ll take the final version of the project, as downloaded, go through and change every instance of a low shelf at e.g. 150Hz to a high pass, then A-B a render of the final track (probably with a crossfader). I’m curious what the difference sounds like. An additional experiment, once I have an A and B to compare, is to lowpass the entire track and A-B just the low ends.

Can we just build off the Sean tyas templates?

Could you make a forum post to share the findings? Interested.

  • Do you mean for your Remix for the competition ??

→ Well, you can of course start from the course project and producer template but I believe SA Team and the judges will be looking for originality when listening to all entries.

So yes you can, but keep it original, it needs to be a Remix in the end, not an extended version or similar.

Hope this helps !

Cheers :sunglasses:

Hey all,

A question for all

James did not add any reverb to the CLAP. In his other tutorials he did, I remember. I can imagine it is a choice but what are the parameters to consider here? How can we decide what to do there?

Simply try with and without and decide what sounds best in the end.

Try to listen in context of the all mix and judge if it’s beneficial for the track or not, it’s more a “Yep that works” and “No this is not doing any good for the track” approach to make such decision.

Avoid ears fatigue, take breaks and move around the room to listen to the track at some stages. It will gives you a different perspective on the all mix. Keeping your head for hours between 2 speakers or 2 headphones cans in front of a screen usually results in loss of objective listening :wink:

Fantastic tut James:) Love your simplicity in conjunction with good samples/presets:))

Great course for far, just wondering where you get your vocals/vocal chops from?

@James_Dymond Amazing course :slight_smile: Really enjoyed how you explained things!

I loved this course … all your courses has been such a help ! And this I say not because you use the same DAW … but it is a plus … I say any who wants to produce trance must watch your courses ! Keep them coming JD! cheers

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