Hey there @deepspace
I’ll be honest, it’s probably not the best introduction have seen here, but at least you made it to the forums, so that’s cool and welcome ! 
So yes, there are some algorithms running in the background preventing new users to upload, which makes sense to avoid spam and keep this place nice for you & other members. Those so called “trust” levels will increase depending of your activities & engagement on the forums, and it could have been manually modified for you if you just asked 
There’s also a “badges” attribution automatic system that will grant you with new badge after performing some specific actions like liking or receiving a like on posts…etc.
Here are some Guidelines to learn more about the forums in general, reading them will grant you with your first badge and thus increase this “trust” level. Pretty common stuffs on forums.
And here is a place where myself & other members would love to read more about you, what music you’re into, genres you like most…etc. Simply hit “reply” on the 1st post if you feel like sharing more about you with the community.
Now of course, it’s a forum and therefore a place where you can also complain or report things that aren’t working or that you find annoying. But let’s try to keep the positive vibe here
'cause it’s the way to invite others to answer you, starting with a straight
isn’t that much engaging & I don’t think it’s rewarding anyone in the end 
Now back to this Icon issue for Node under Windows : it has been reported to S.A already and yep, I agree it’s been a while now which can definitely feel annoying but if you think twice about it, there’s a big difference between a five minute time quick photo editing/converting + changing an app icon on Windows and integrate this within a full software and the installer files and rolling an update for an application. Next to that, as annoying as it can be, it’s not something major & preventing the application to work.
I’m sure S.A will come up with an update that will include this Icon issue at some point 
For the time being, let’s all chill out and keep the positive vibe going, again it’s everyone’s matter to build & maintain a great community and a cool place to exchange about music & S.A stuffs.
Hopping to see you getting involved and enjoying it as well then 
Cheers !