ive just picked up an lpd8 from akai thought it would be a nifty little tool to map my drum rack and filters,effects to…
ive plugged it in and theres no lights or power to it??
i have recieved an installation disc but once installed it comes up with 4 presets and even when going through them it dosent connect to my controller controls,
been into abletons preferences and its not finding it or picking it up at all??
Whenever I want to set anything up… I run the software.
Then I go into Preferences - Midi / Sync (I think)… then just select input to whatever the device is - so: Akai whatever.
Is that what you have been doing?
With Logic… It will only pick up my midi keyboard if Midi channel 1 is selected on the keyboard. Its a little jog wheel on my keyboard & my son occasionally comes in & twists it. After a few mins I usually work out what it is.
Just see if you need to be transmitting on a certain channel from the unit itself - dunno - might help ya :)
i apologise for cap locks! but saying i am shouting for attention is abit childish to be honest :-/ but ohwell!
anyways thanks for all your help i am running 8.2.1 andit dosent show in the drop down menu on my version i am just in the process of updating to .7 so it may have been added to that update??