Midi Controller?

Im looking for a Midi controller to use with ABleton Live 8. any advice u guys can give? im a beg. to this but i have used midi before just finally getting into my own productions.

What do you want to use the controller for?

You can get the novation launchpad for £150:



or the Akai APC 40 for £380


However if you’re looking for a keyboard controller then there are so many to choose from, I personally want to get hold of the M-Audio Axiom Pro 49 after such a good review in Future Music and it’s number 1 in their gear chart.


I’m very happy with my Korg Kontrol 49

I have the APC40. I wouldn’t get the Launchpad personally because there are no knobs and I rely on those. Its like a woman… Boobs are great but would be nothing without nipples! Other then that, I have an MPK40 and its great for me, but it might be overkill. I would probably get those little Korgs or Akai for a midi piano. Possibly even a MPK25. I dont like the M-Audio stuff that much but I dont know if all of them have clicking rotary knobs. The Akai stuff is seamless and nice.

hey whats the difference between lets say a APC40 and a keyboard controller? i really like the APC. but im wondering if i want to create my own music which one is better.

[quote]howiegroove (10/22/2009)[hr]Boobs are great but would be nothing without nipples! [/quote]

How true lol

and big tweakable ones too :smiley:

[quote]djmikeyrawk (10/22/2009)[hr]hey whats the difference between lets say a APC40 and a keyboard controller? i really like the APC. but im wondering if i want to create my own music which one is better.[/quote]

Well, the APC40 has the ability to launch clips in your project, and easily, and organized, where a keyboard controller is gonna be more cluttered and really doesnt have the same funcionality. With the APC40, you have control over all of the effects and instruments within Ableton in an intuitive fashion. And it serves as a great mixing console, with pan, volume faders, etc. I would definately get both, and i definately love my MPK49, but I might have gotten something different if the APC40 was out earlier. THEY ARE NOT THE SAME AND NOTHING CAN REPLACE THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE APC40 OVER USE OF ABLETON LIVE PERIOD!

do yourself a favor and watch the video and you can decide for yourself.


That was quite a biased comment Howie over the APC40. You can’t compair a keyboard controller to an APC40 because they’re both there for different uses.

For instance you can’t key in bass/lead/etc patterns with a APC40, but likewise you can’t launch clips with a keyboard controller (unless you assign some switches).

Look, you really ideally want a ableton controller (so you can control certain functions of your ableton via hardware, its much nicer using your fingers rather than a mouse) AND a keyboard controller.

If you are just going to get one for now then make sure its a keyboard controller as you’ll find more uses for it.

You’ll find more keyboard controllers as standard in producers studios than you will APC40s.

novation  sl,mk2 …i have no probs playing live with this kit i swear by it !:cool:

+1 with the Novation Sl Mk2 - excellent MIDI controller which links in (fairly) seamlessly to Ableton thanks to the Automap Pro 3 software it comes bundled with.

I use this together with Native Intrument’s Maschine, which is a sort of APC wannabe replacement. In its own right it is a superb MIDI controller, but with the Maschine software which also acts as a plug-in within Ableton itself, it is slowly being developed into an extremely powerful all-rounder. Its not quite perfect yet, but software updates are being developed all the time (albeit a little slowly at the moment) to improve on its functionality. In its present state, you can easily switch from it being a dedicated Ableton controller (clip and scene launching, panning, volume and sends control etc) to a plug-in instrument and FX controller. I would definitely recommend taking a look. :slight_smile:

the apc40 is top of my shopping list but till i can afford one i’m gonna get a m audio xsession pro it has 4 sliders,cross fader,16 knobs and a few buttons there not a patch on the apc40 but there only £70 new even thats out of my price range at the mo though lol;)

[quote]roben (10/22/2009)[hr]For instance you can’t key in bass/lead/etc patterns with a APC40, but likewise you can’t launch clips with a keyboard controller (unless you assign some switches).[/quote]

You obviously didnt read my post Roben. You would have noticed that I said to get both of them and that I would have gotten a different keyboard instead of the MPK49 had I gotten the APC40 first. Not biased at all buddy.

+1 to the novation sl mk2,

has just about enough knobs, automap software which is cool and is affordable especially secondhand ebay

what do u guys think about this one? http://www.guitarcenter.com/Novation-SL37-MIDI-Controller-LE-Green-786531-i1436070.gc

seems interesting.

Looks cool, but who knows about functionality…

Are the Akai MPKs any good?

Also, are there any other performance controllers, apart from the APC 40 that enable you to launch clips? I’m looking for something like a DJ mixer with the traditional high/mid/low + faders + xfade controls. Like the Vestax VMC600, but with clip launch functionality.

I think you’re SOL there. Thats why they made the APC40. Im pretty sure you could launch clips from your computer keyboard through midi mapping, but its a pain in the as* to set up. I have an MPK49 as well and its a great midi keyboard. I would recommend it highly.

That’s what I thought. Thanks anyway, Howie. My instinct is telling me the MPK is the one to go for, but that keyboard Roben was talking about is tempting me. Especially after the glowing comments it’s received in the press and seeing The Crystal Method using it.

Just because Crystal Method uses it, doesnt mean that its right for you. If you can, go to your local music store and see if you can play with one for about 30 minutes to get the feel of it and make your decision from there. Good luck!

[quote]scott (10/23/2009)[hr]Are the Akai MPKs any good?

Also, are there any other performancecontrollers, apart from the APC 40 that enable you to launch clips? I’m looking for something like a DJ mixer with the traditional high/mid/low + faders + xfade controls. Like the Vestax VMC600, but with clip launch functionality.[/quote]

The novation launchpad can launch clips