New FM mag DVD

[quote]jpgetty2win (12/07/2010)[hr][quote]chris17 (12/07/2010)[hr]is this worth buying then if the dvd does not work or is not much cop i wont bother???

tbh i usually read it in wh smiths when i’m waiting for a bus or the wife in town so unless there’s something on the dvd i like the look of i very rarely actually buy future music or computer music;)[/quote]

no point buying it for the SHM vid. nothing on it really a few mins of them knoshing eachother off in a bigstudio. D Ramirez is good but he focuses on vocal cutting, doubling up/ arranging compressing. if your after that then get it cos he explains it well.

i dont really look at the other stuiff on the DVDs just the techniques and interviews[/quote]

Vocal stuff sounds good for me, doesn’t sound like he explains anything i’ve not seen before though but may pick up some cool tips from him.

Is there any articles in the mag that may interest me?

[quote]roben (12/07/2010)[hr][quote]jpgetty2win (12/07/2010)[hr][quote]chris17 (12/07/2010)[hr]is this worth buying then if the dvd does not work or is not much cop i wont bother???

tbh i usually read it in wh smiths when i’m waiting for a bus or the wife in town so unless there’s something on the dvd i like the look of i very rarely actually buy future music or computer music;)[/quote]

no point buying it for the SHM vid. nothing on it really a few mins of them knoshing eachother off in a bigstudio. D Ramirez is good but he focuses on vocal cutting, doubling up/ arranging compressing. if your after that then get it cos he explains it well.

i dont really look at the other stuiff on the DVDs just the techniques and interviews[/quote]

Vocal stuff sounds good for me, doesn’t sound like he explains anything i’ve not seen before though but may pick up some cool tips from him.
Is there any articles in the mag that may interest me?[/quote]

oh ye theres a mag that comes with the DVD!!.. forgot. ermm dunno not looked at the mag yet haha

btw does anyone else think D Ramirez is tryin to pull off a comb-over? looking alittle thin under that parting… hmmm lol

i wont mention the bingo wings.

[quote]roben (12/07/2010)[hr]
Is there any articles in the mag that may interest me?[/quote].

Yeah… Theres a Sex change Operation Article in it Roben… A DIY Tut.

Howies got an App for it. :P

Your guys are hysterical! :hehe:

Disappointing news about the SHM…I was looking forward to that.

i think every thread now has a joke or wind up at robens expense… lol

its ok mate it means we all love ya. :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]jpgetty2win (13/07/2010)[hr]i think every thread now has a joke or wind up at robens expense… lol

its ok mate it means we all love ya. :P[/quote]

Roben has written 2312 about himself @ the last count :smiley: ;):cool:

hahaha it’s all good, well, it’s either at my expense or howies (maybe he has a tut for that?)


re: FM Mag… it’s all about the Olav Basoski and D Ramirez videos, SHM can do one, really not that bothered about them, didn’t like their ‘one’’ track.

[quote]roben (13/07/2010)[hr]hahaha it’s all good, well, it’s either at my expense or howies (maybe he has a tut for that?)


re: FM Mag… it’s all about the Olav Basoski and D Ramirez videos, SHM can do one, really not that bothered about them, didn’t like their ‘one’’ track.[/quote]


Yeah… That Angello one was pretty average there a while back really… it was cool to see him using Logic - Hadnt got it @ that stage & thought that he made it look pretty straightforward to use…

But there certainly was no cartload of tips or technique - which lets face it, is the reason why we’re buying it.

Agree with you Roben. It was probably so sh!ite that they killed the sound to save face.

It was probably just a big game of soggy biscuit.

[quote]ICN (13/07/2010)[hr][quote]roben (13/07/2010)[hr]hahaha it’s all good, well, it’s either at my expense or howies (maybe he has a tut for that?)


re: FM Mag… it’s all about the Olav Basoski and D Ramirez videos, SHM can do one, really not that bothered about them, didn’t like their ‘one’’ track.[/quote]


Actually you are wrong, that was the 2313rd post so :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve posted, 2 - correction now 3 - posts since :wink:

:smiley: ,

spam spam spam

See what you mean about the SHM video…

“to make it rise like that we had to use a plug in”

“took us a while to download the plug in”

“you mean we bought the plug in”

“yes we bought the plug in”

What was the plug in?!!?!?!

so i can’t get any sound from 3 of the SHM tutorial videos either… disappointing…I wonder if they know this is a problem?

[quote]djmarcatkins (13/07/2010)[hr]so i can’t get any sound from 3 of the SHM tutorial videos either… disappointing…I wonder if they know this is a problem?[/quote]

Email them - I’m looking at last months disk…

Written on front is:

Disk Error?

Email - support a t

I’m gonna mail them when I get my copy.

REALLY disapointed by the SHM video, they didn’t teach anything. Where as the D Ramirez video was unbelievable! Soo good, that was worth the magazine cost alone. Still to watch Olav Basoski’s video :slight_smile:

The olav ones are cool too… just been to FM mag website they have put up download links for the tutorials with no sound but the links have been shut down by drop box .com because of excessive traffic!


[quote]roben (13/07/2010)[hr]REALLY disapointed by the SHM video, they didn’t teach anything. [/quote]

They’re in there 'cos they’re popular - Fair play…

Has it ever crossed your mind how so many of them can all do one record together?

Maybe I’m just cynical. Hopefully that’ll be the last DVD space wasted on them so.

But they’re either really secretive, dumb - or just the jet-setting DJ’s who are a front for Mr.Small.

[quote]djmarcatkins (13/07/2010)[hr]The olav ones are cool too… just been to FM mag website they have put up download links for the tutorials with no sound but the links have been shut down by drop box .com because of excessive traffic!




LOL :hehe: