New FM mag DVD

Did anyone else notice how stupidly thin the disk was? I’ve never seen a CD like that before, was like paper lol.

Last months was like that too.

Gawd - Just saw the promo on FM’s w/site of the SHM Vids.

What a bunch of gimps those Lads are.

Just got my copy of the July Edition, walked back home looking forward to checking out the videos and indeed noticed the super thin “ECO-DVD” as they call it. I put the wafer in my Mac and it made a painfully crazy noise in the drive.

My Mac won’t even mount the thing…ahhhh I’m so disappointed.


Never thought I’d say it, but: Buy a PC - LOL

Didnt try last months one in my Mac tbh… only in the Laptop. Thats great isnt it… Not only the Vids dont work, but the disk wont play! :slight_smile:

[quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr]@rcorbo

Never thought I’d say it, but: Buy a PC - LOL


I knew you would see sense in the end

[quote]slender (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr]@rcorbo

Never thought I’d say it, but: Buy a PC - LOL

I knew you would see sense in the end

I’m @ a crossroads in my life.

But I’ve never been more sure of myself - I got Howies new “Stop & edit your post Tut” App & its made me very decisive. :hehe:

LOL.  I’ll try it on the PC at work.  Hope none of my colleagues wonder why I’m sitting in my office with a big pair of headphones on.  Ah wait I’ll use my Ipod ear buds to keep it more incognito.

Has anyone found a youtube link yet for the D Ramirez tutorial 1 from the last DVD yet?

[quote]rcorbo (14/07/2010)[hr]LOL.  I’ll try it on the PC at work.  Hope none of my colleagues wonder why I’m sitting in my office with a big pair of headphones on.  Ah wait I’ll use my Ipod ear buds to keep it more incognito.[/quote]

Run the headphones up the sleeve of your top & stick your hand to your ear… Worked in School with walkmans !! :wink:

[quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr]@rcorbo

Never thought I’d say it, but: Buy a PC - LOL


I knew you would see sense in the end


I’m @ a crossroads in my life.

I got Howies new “Mental Breakdown Tut” App & its made me very confused.[/quote]

Please stop and edit your post.

[quote]howiegroove (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr]@rcorbo

Never thought I’d say it, but: Buy a PC - LOL

I knew you would see sense in the end

I’m @ a crossroads in my life.

I got Howies new “Mental Breakdown Tut” App & its made me very confused.[/quote]

Please stop and edit your post.[/quote]

Is there a Tut for that? ;):wink: :smiley: :cool:

[quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]howiegroove (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr]@rcorbo

Never thought I’d say it, but: Buy a PC - LOL


I knew you would see sense in the end


I’m @ a crossroads in my life.

I got Howies new “Mental Breakdown Tut” App & its made me very confused.[/quote]

Please stop and edit your post.[/quote]

Is there a Tut for that? ;):wink: :smiley: :cool:[/quote]

not funny anymore dude. its getting out of hand.

Did you see that I changed it earlier for you? :slight_smile:

whats getting out of hand? whats happened? :S

We got the DVD to work - Slender did a Tut for it!

I’m making an App right now!


Slender & I have a new App.

If you follow this link to the FM website, you’ll be able to DL the 3 videos.


There was a problem DL’ing them - but after watching a Tut, FM got it fixed.

All working fine now. Free for Everyone to DL.

excellent work ICN :wink:

That bass sound is excellent.

MMMMMM… There will be a Glut of bass sounds like that now! LOL

[quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr]We got the DVD to work - Slender did a Tut for it!

I’m making an App right now!


Wow I am so good that I must have done it in my sleep :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]slender (14/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (14/07/2010)[hr]We got the DVD to work - Slender did a Tut for it!

I’m making an App right now!


Wow I am so good that I must have done it in my sleep :P[/quote]

Yeah… You were.

Its called a N-App :hehe: