New FM mag DVD

[quote]jpgetty2win (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr]So finally the answer to life the universe and everthing = PC[/quote]

i thought it was bisexuality? best of both worlds and all that? thats what my dentist used to tell me when i was younger, that i needed to experience all of lifes wonders…? was he playing me?[/quote]

beastiality you say? nothing beats a good bit of donkey p0rn

[quote]roben (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]jpgetty2win (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr]So finally the answer to life the universe and everthing = PC[/quote]

i thought it was bisexuality? best of both worlds and all that? thats what my dentist used to tell me when i was younger, that i needed to experience all of lifes wonders…? was he playing me?[/quote]

beastiality you say? nothing beats a good bit of donkey p0rn[/quote]

you know thats illegal now man? get done for watching that. well out of order.

[quote]roben (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]Back on “Off Topic”…

FM this month.

Just finished reading the SHM Article.

Does anyone else feel the same as I - They just sound so up eachothers custom builtcompressor.

Fair play to them - Honestly, they deserve the success - but they come over like a load of gimps. Thats what I find repulsive about them. LOL :hehe:

Cant wait to watch the Vid’s - think I’ll be making a new 3 headed voodoo doll this w/end.[/quote]

To be honest what put me off them was when Axwell goes to the camera “this is why we own this sh*t!” in a really arrogant up himself way.
Then later on the comments of "no we can’t tell you what’s being used " then one of them says to the other “no why should we tell them?”

ummmm… because FM are PAYING you to share some tips?!

FS it’s the first time i’ve ever had to see the FM team have to come up with a techniques section by themselves for the SHM lot just because SHM are too arrogant to share the knowledge.

Totally ridiculas, then you see D Ramirez who imo is a much much better producer doing his tutorial on vocal production and he’s sharing loads of knowledge. I have so much respect for Dean for doing that, there is no room in this industry for arrogance.

Watching the SHM video was the biggest waste of time ever.

what goes around comes around… it wont serve them in the long run. dean will be a survivor because hes a good guy. they will not. one **** up and theyll have the toilet flushed on them by the people they **** on now. we (and the rest of the FM buyers) feel theyre arrogant d!cks already… people that survive the industry are the humble ones. the ones that feel privileged by their position, not the ones that expect it.
just watched mickey rourke on jon ross, hes a perfect example. went right up himself and became an arsehole. the industry said, ok lets see how you get on when no one hires you… 15 years later he hadnt made a film…   notice how humble he is now?? he KNOWS whos incharge…

mickey rourke should gave won an oscar for The Wrestler

ive not seen it but agree hes one of the best actors ever. superb. hes good in johnny handsome too.

[quote]jpgetty2win (17/07/2010)[hr]ive not seen it but agree hes one of the best actors ever. superb. hes good johnny handsome too.[/quote]

Its a great film and totally recomend

oooo new subject… top five fave actors…

christopher walken
de niro
willem dafoe
gary oldman
john malkovich

everyone elses?

Be ckham was cool on Ross tonight. Surprised :w00t:

Matured a fair bit… Must have been with Rooney’s A uld S lapper. :hehe:

SHM are on my sh!tlist. Going to send them a matchbox with some wasps in it.

That whole House / Studio / Gig / Toilet / Std Clinic - what a love letter from FM to the Lads. Awful.

Never want to see them again in that Mag. Havent even watched the Vid yet. Article is sickening. The whole - We have to make an album for Island… dont care about deadlines… so arrogant. Maybe they’re not, but they are brainless not to realise how they are being portrayed.

Swedish Borats. Skol! :slight_smile:

[quote]jpgetty2win (17/07/2010)[hr]oooo new subject… top five fave actors…

christopher walken

de niro

willem dafoe

gary oldman

john malkovich

everyone elses?


lol this thread really is turning into a multi-topic’d thread isn’t it! haha.

My top due to their amazing acting ability and basically never having been in a movie which i’ve not liked:

Tom Hanks

Johnny Depp

Will Smith

Samuel L. Jackson

Nicolas Cage / Brad Pitt (can’t make a decision who i prefer, think they’re on par)


“The idea is just that it’s three good DJs and producers coming together to do something great. It’s like Axwell describes it - instead of getting a burger, you’re getting a triple burger!

It’s not likke Steve plays drums and Axwell plays the bass like in a band… we’re not a group… we’re a supergroup! [laughs]. It’s like you have Batman, Superman and Spiderman altogether…!” [laughs]

:doze: :doze: :doze:

[quote]roben (17/07/2010)[hr]“The idea is just that it’s three good DJs and producers coming together to do something great. It’s like Axwell describes it - instead of getting a burger, you’re getting a triple burger!
It’s not likke Steve plays drums and Axwell plays the bass like in a band… we’re not a group… we’re a supergroup! [laughs]. It’s like you have Batman, Superman and Spiderman altogether…!” [laughs]

:doze: :doze: :doze:[/quote]

more like rodney, del boy, and uncle albert.

Totally agree on the whole SHM thing. Complete turn off…they came off as complete posers. It really shows their motivation for what they do, mostly to impress each other. I don’t mind if a producer wants to keep his techniques close to the vest, after all a good producer will have spent a long time fine tuning his or her sound and it’s their right to keep that hard earned knowledge to themselves, but these guys are just douches about it.

As oppose to a guy like Dean (which I also think is much more talented and has a much more polished sound) that comes across as a down to earth guy who is in it because he loves the music, people, the art of producing and just talking tech. In the end his personality and his willingness to share shows his confidence in his own sound.

[quote]rcorbo (17/07/2010)[hr]Totally agree on the whole SHM thing. Complete turn off…they came off as complete posers. It really shows their motivation for what they do, mostly to impress each other. I don’t mind if a producer wants to keep his techniques close to the vest, after all a good producer will have spent a long time fine tuning his or her sound and it’s their right to keep that hard earned knowledge to themselves, but these guys are just douches about it.

As oppose to a guy like Dean (which I also think is much more talented and has a much more polished sound) that comes across as a down to earth guy who is in it because he loves the music, people, the art of producing and just talking tech. In the end his personality and his willingness to share shows his confidence in his own sound.


Deffo Man - Cannot say more about how nice Dean is. Seems like a real Fan & enthuasiast as well as having the skills to prove himself. You can just tell from looking @him in the Vids. Agree - hes 100% confident in his ability & position.

Maybe the Lads will be like that later down the road - but probably not until they stop partying with Kerry Katona in Iceland.

They’re @ the crest of the wave… no need to be humble. or even likeable! LOL

[quote]jpgetty2win (17/07/2010)[hr]

more like rodney, del boy, and uncle albert.[/quote]


Mange Tout, Mange Tout

During the war…


Swedish Kn0b Mafia

[quote]roben (17/07/2010)[hr]“The idea is just that it’s three good DJs and producers coming together to do something great. It’s like Axwell describes it - instead of getting a burger, you’re getting a triple burger!
It’s not likke Steve plays drums and Axwell plays the bass like in a band… we’re not a group… we’re a supergroup! [laughs]. It’s like you have Batman, Superman and Spiderman altogether…!” [laughs]

:doze: :doze: :doze:[/quote]

OMG - Just read that on the last page. Fools

Guys - You probably wont know this…

Just remembered… Theres a County in Ireland called Kerry.

One of its major Tourist attractions is called the “Ring of Kerry” - Haha!

If only… :hehe:

For anyone who is having trouble with the acompanying tutorial videos for the Swedish House Mafia feature they have replacements available to download on there website.

HouseJak did their new Logo - What do you think?

Needs more speaker I think… :hehe:


LMFAO @ ICN’s Ring of Kerry and SHM Logo

hahahaha, you’re on fire lately bud.