New FM mag DVD

[quote]rcorbo (16/07/2010)[hr]Count me in to the madness! :D[/quote]

Crazier the better Man!

@ Slender…

Having real problems reading your posts… That last one was pure nonsense.

Anyone else having that problem with his posts? :Whistling:

You should try getting in touch with the helpdesk.

[quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]@ Slender…

Having real problems reading your posts… That last one was pure nonsense.

Anyone else having that problem with his posts? :Whistling:

You should try getting in touch with the helpdesk.[/quote]

You must be reading it on your iphone 4 :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr]So finally the answer to life the universe and everthing = PC[/quote]

i thought it was bisexuality? best of both worlds and all that? thats what my dentist used to tell me when i was younger, that i needed to experience all of lifes wonders…? was he playing me?

Nah… Still gobbledygook Man.

Who would have thought that steam-powered calculators would have become obsolete so quickly?

They looked really snazzzy in the hieroglyphics. Cool colours with Dog-Men & Sh!t.

[quote]jpgetty2win (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr]So finally the answer to life the universe and everthing = PC[/quote]

i thought it was bisexuality? best of both worlds and all that? thats what my dentist used to tell me when i was younger, that i needed to experience all of lifes wonders…? was he playing me?[/quote]


[quote]jpgetty2win (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr]So finally the answer to life the universe and everthing = PC[/quote]

i thought it was bisexuality? best of both worlds and all that? thats what my dentist used to tell me when i was younger, that i needed to experience all of lifes wonders…? was he playing me?[/quote]

…and with your mouth wide open :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]jpgetty2win (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr]So finally the answer to life the universe and everthing = PC[/quote]

i thought it was bisexuality? best of both worlds and all that? thats what my dentist used to tell me when i was younger, that i needed to experience all of lifes wonders…? was he playing me?[/quote]

…and with your mouth wide open :P[/quote]

ROFL…that’s just wrong.

[quote]rcorbo (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]jpgetty2win (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr]So finally the answer to life the universe and everthing = PC[/quote]

i thought it was bisexuality? best of both worlds and all that? thats what my dentist used to tell me when i was younger, that i needed to experience all of lifes wonders…? was he playing me?[/quote]

…and with your mouth wide open :P[/quote]

ROFL…that’s just wrong.[/quote]

You did read the warnings when you enter the darkside off the forums :hehe:

he was a very thorough dentist. ive not needed another filling since. all pun intended.

I’m going to have a shower now… Need to get clean after reading this thread.

How many posts is it @ now?

Someone should go through it & recap on all the different subjects we’ve gone through!


My ribs are killing me from the laughter!!! :D  Haven’t even toked up yet!

[quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]I’m going to have a shower now…


What its that time off year already - merry xmas everyone :wink:

slender is 5 posts away from becoming a supreme being. how does it feel?

[quote]jpgetty2win (16/07/2010)[hr]slender is 5 posts away from becoming a supreme being. how does it feel?[/quote]

Well I couldn’t have done it without you guys, and I would like to thank my father for giving me my warped sense of humour, specsavers for letting me actually see the screen, my english teacher Mrs Wright we all miss you sobs and a further thank you to the corner shop keeper who sells me beer and…

Jeez… Whats this place coming to?

Slender - A Supreme Being.

Hurrah! Anything is possible on the Internet! :wink: :hehe: :cool:

[quote]slender (16/07/2010)[hr][quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]I’m going to have a shower now…


What its that time off year already - merry xmas everyone ;)[/quote]

nah, everyday Man - Kerry is Filthy.

Back on “Off Topic”…

FM this month.

Just finished reading the SHM Article.

Does anyone else feel the same as I  - They just sound so up eachothers custom built compressor.

Fair play to them - Honestly, they deserve the success - but they come over like a load of gimps. Thats what I find repulsive about them. LOL :hehe:

Cant wait to watch the Vid’s - think I’ll be making a new 3 headed voodoo doll this w/end.

[quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]Back on “Off Topic”…

FM this month.

Just finished reading the SHM Article.

Does anyone else feel the same as I - They just sound so up eachothers custom builtcompressor.

Fair play to them - Honestly, they deserve the success - but they come over like a load of gimps. Thats what I find repulsive about them. LOL :hehe:

Cant wait to watch the Vid’s - think I’ll be making a new 3 headed voodoo doll this w/end.[/quote]

Yeah not people I would want to spend much time with tbh - but I’ll gladly play with their equipment though - err music production equipment I hasten to add

[quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]Back on “Off Topic”…

FM this month.

Just finished reading the SHM Article.

Does anyone else feel the same as I - They just sound so up eachothers custom builtcompressor.

Fair play to them - Honestly, they deserve the success - but they come over like a load of gimps. Thats what I find repulsive about them. LOL :hehe:

Cant wait to watch the Vid’s - think I’ll be making a new 3 headed voodoo doll this w/end.[/quote]

To be honest what put me off them was when Axwell goes to the camera “this is why we own this sh*t!” in a really arrogant up himself way.

Then later on the comments of "no we can’t tell you what’s being used " then one of them says to the other “no why should we tell them?”

ummmm… because FM are PAYING you to share some tips?!

FS it’s the first time i’ve ever had to see the FM team have to come up with a techniques section by themselves for the SHM lot just because SHM are too arrogant to share the knowledge.

Totally ridiculas, then you see D Ramirez who imo is a much much better producer doing his tutorial on vocal production and he’s sharing loads of knowledge. I have so much respect for Dean for doing that, there is no room in this industry for arrogance.

Watching the SHM video was the biggest waste of time ever.