OK, so listening to pro tracks in the Electro and Tech house subgenres…I’ve notice off beat percs and or vocal stabs (although playing the same sample over and over) still seem to maintain interest. My questions are why and how.
Even a 2 or three note melody that plays for an extended period over and over will maintain interest. To me it sounds same but not repetitive.
I have a couple idea’s why. One being there are other elements going on that are evolving distracting every bar or 2 from the repetitiveness of the perc/vocal/melody. The other is that techniques are being used to subtetly change parameters to maintain interest that really isn’t detectable.
All I know is my last track (posted on here and only got 1 response) had a perc riif with a couple notes going on and it did sound too repetitive maybe because I had it at the fore front as a lead.
Any ideas how to maintain interest on an offbeat repetitive perc or vocal stab or simple 2 or 3 note melody?
[quote]stylz (02/08/2010)[hr]OK, so listening to pro tracks in the Electro and Tech house subgenres…I’ve notice off beat percs and or vocal stabs (although playing the same sample over and over) still seem to maintain interest. My questions are why and how.
Even a 2 or threenote melody that plays for an extended period over and over will maintain interest. To me it sounds same but not repetitive.
I have a couple idea’s why. One being there are other elements going on that are evolving distractingeverybar or 2 from the repetitiveness of the perc/vocal/melody.The other is thattechniques are being used to subtetly change parametersto maintain interest that really isn’t detectable.
All I know is my last track (postedon here and only got 1 response) had a perc riif with a couple notes going on and it did sound too repetitive maybe because I had it at the fore front as a lead.
Any ideas how to maintain interest on an offbeat repetitive perc or vocal stab or simple2 or 3 note melody?[/quote]
have you tried cutting a loop up so that it loops every 3/4ths so that the loop evolves in different places with in the beat.
also you’ll notice that D.Ramirez as well as other producers have one loop that has 4 different effected version one will reverb wash the other will delay as they progress and son on always swapping between each version. you’ll also notice that the pan on some samples vary through the track.
[quote]jon_fisher (03/08/2010)[hr][quote]stylz (02/08/2010)[hr]OK, so listening to pro tracks in the Electro and Tech house subgenres…I’ve notice off beat percs and or vocal stabs (although playing the same sample over and over) still seem to maintain interest. My questions are why and how.
Even a 2 or threenote melody that plays for an extended period over and over will maintain interest. To me it sounds same but not repetitive.
I have a couple idea’s why. One being there are other elements going on that are evolving distractingeverybar or 2 from the repetitiveness of the perc/vocal/melody.The other is thattechniques are being used to subtetly change parametersto maintain interest that really isn’t detectable.
All I know is my last track (postedon here and only got 1 response) had a perc riif with a couple notes going on and it did sound too repetitive maybe because I had it at the fore front as a lead.
Any ideas how to maintain interest on an offbeat repetitive perc or vocal stab or simple2 or 3 note melody?[/quote]
have you tried cutting a loop up so that it loops every 3/4ths so that the loop evolves in different places with in the beat.
also you’ll notice that D.Ramirez as well as other producers have one loop that has 4 different effected version one will reverb wash the other will delay as they progress and son on always swapping between each version. you’ll also notice that the pan on some samples vary through the track.
check out Devi8or D.Ramirez[/quote]
That’s a good idea Jon, one variation on that that I use a lot in more glitchy experimental stuff is to have a couple of hits in one drum machine and the same loop in a second one but take one beat off the loop so that the whole perc pattern constantly modulates thorughout the track. Easy to do but avoid putting kicks, snares etc into it.
Howard introduced me to a guy call rob stern possible one of the best producers i’ve ever heard and in one of our most recent conversations he told me that even if you are working in 4 bar Loops you still need to take into consideration the 1,2,8,16,32,64 bars to keep things interesting. one or two small changes in these areas will completely change the fell of your track. This is a must in the more minimal style just to keep things evolving and Interesting.
[quote]jon_fisher (03/08/2010)[hr][quote]stylz (02/08/2010)[hr]OK, so listening to pro tracks in the Electro and Tech house subgenres…I’ve notice off beat percs and or vocal stabs (although playing the same sample over and over) still seem to maintain interest. My questions are why and how.
Even a 2 or threenote melody that plays for an extended period over and over will maintain interest. To me it sounds same but not repetitive.
I have a couple idea’s why. One being there are other elements going on that are evolving distractingeverybar or 2 from the repetitiveness of the perc/vocal/melody.The other is thattechniques are being used to subtetly change parametersto maintain interest that really isn’t detectable.
All I know is my last track (postedon here and only got 1 response) had a perc riif with a couple notes going on and it did sound too repetitive maybe because I had it at the fore front as a lead.
Any ideas how to maintain interest on an offbeat repetitive perc or vocal stab or simple2 or 3 note melody?[/quote]
have you tried cutting a loop up so that it loops every 3/4ths so that the loop evolves in different places with in the beat.
also you’ll notice that D.Ramirez as well as other producers have one loop that has 4 different effected version one will reverb wash the other will delay as they progress and son on always swapping between each version. you’ll also notice that the pan on some samples vary through the track.
check out Devi8or D.Ramirez[/quote]
Hey buddy, sounds a good idea, could you link me to more info on this? Would like to see examples of this.
That makes sense Guys… Looping a 3/4 Midi out like that over 16 or 32bars is pretty cool.
So easy to do by just taking a bar out & copying it out. Think hooking velocity to Filter & Pitch can be cool as well as using slightly different note lengths.
Throwing in the odd reverse sound here & there is nice too as well as using different variations of the sound / different synths / layering / slightly different motifs etc… You’ve covered it all already.
@Jon - I get where you are coming from about the changes at those points, but could I be a Cnut & ask you to explain it a little bit more just to get a bit more depth?
I work in 8 bar sections & have fade ins before sections & all the other usual bits… but I’d love to have been earwigging that conversation by the sounds of it! LOL
[quote]roben (03/08/2010)[hr][quote]jon_fisher (03/08/2010)[hr][quote]stylz (02/08/2010)[hr]OK, so listening to pro tracks in the Electro and Tech house subgenres…I’ve notice off beat percs and or vocal stabs (although playing the same sample over and over) still seem to maintain interest. My questions are why and how.
Even a 2 or threenote melody that plays for an extended period over and over will maintain interest. To me it sounds same but not repetitive.
I have a couple idea’s why. One being there are other elements going on that are evolving distractingeverybar or 2 from the repetitiveness of the perc/vocal/melody.The other is thattechniques are being used to subtetly change parametersto maintain interest that really isn’t detectable.
All I know is my last track (postedon here and only got 1 response) had a perc riif with a couple notes going on and it did sound too repetitive maybe because I had it at the fore front as a lead.
Any ideas how to maintain interest on an offbeat repetitive perc or vocal stab or simple2 or 3 note melody?[/quote]
have you tried cutting a loop up so that it loops every 3/4ths so that the loop evolves in different places with in the beat.
also you’ll notice that D.Ramirez as well as other producers have one loop that has 4 different effected version one will reverb wash the other will delay as they progress and son on always swapping between each version. you’ll also notice that the pan on some samples vary through the track.
check out Devi8or D.Ramirez[/quote]
Hey buddy, sounds a good idea, could you link me to more info on this? Would like to see examples of this.
erm not unless you have some way of linking to my brain lol, i’ve never read any or this on the web.
[quote]ICN (03/08/2010)[hr]That makes sense Guys… Looping a 3/4 Midi out like that over 16 or 32bars is pretty cool.
So easy to do by just taking a bar out & copying it out. Think hooking velocity to Filter & Pitch can be cool as well as using slightly different note lengths.
Throwing in the odd reverse sound here & there is nice too as well as using different variations of the sound / different synths / layering / slightly different motifs etc… You’ve covered it all already.
@Jon - I get where you are coming from about the changes at those points, but could I be a Cnut & ask you to explain it a little bit more just to get a bit more depth?
I work in 8 bar sections & have fade ins before sections & all the other usual bits… but I’d love to have been earwigging that conversation by the sounds of it! LOL[/quote]
i’ll try and do something on my next track and kinda do a tutorial on it.
Something quick and easy you could do that is super quick… try adding random before the midi notes. You can follow it with velocity if you want to randomize the velocity of the midi notes.
[quote]howiegroove (03/08/2010)[hr]Something quick and easy you could do that is super quick… try adding random before the midi notes. You can follow it with velocity if you want to randomize the velocity of the midi notes.[/quote]
[quote]roben (03/08/2010)[hr][quote]howiegroove (03/08/2010)[hr]Something quick and easy you could do that is super quick… try adding random before the midi notes. You can follow it with velocity if you want to randomize the velocity of the midi notes.[/quote]
There you go H for a new tut idea![/quote]
Why don’t YOU do a tutorial. I’m so busy with my own stuff that I don’t have time to teach people. You are a released artist now. Why don’t you show people your skills bro! I would LOVE to see what you bring to the table. Because of right now, me and Jon are the only ones that have contributed to making tutorials for the community. Stop asking for stuff with your hands out and give back for once. And when you decide to do it, don’t quote some crap from Future Music or Computer Music. Be original.
I’m not amused anymore Rob. I bust my a55 and try to teach (mostly in text because I don’t have time to make videos) and all you want to do is take take take. Please give back. Especially considering you now have the highest post count! It’s too bad that 80% of your posts are rubbish and have no pertinence to music or helping others out. Change your ways and give back to the community Rob.
Anyways, I’d love to do video tutorial, but don’t know how to.
Also to add, I think you’re being pretty unfair and unjust in your words, I always help out when / where I can. Just because I also like to have a laugh, does not mean I don’t help people out. Stop being so miserable all the time.
Anyways I don’t know why you had to jab at me like that Howie? It seems like whenever I say anything to you, you get agitated & aggravated and take blasts at me??
It’s not as if I even said anything nasty to you? I know you like doing tutorials so suggested the topic in discussion as an idea for you, then you just blast at me all guns firing?!?
It’s like walking on egg shells around you buddy, I don’t know what your problem is.
well in order to have sounds that don’t feel repetitive, I would recommend Filterfreak 2 ( from Soundtoys ) there’s an option to modulate a lowpass filter with an LFO if I remember well…
Used in a subtle way you can slightly “close” and open the very high frequencies of a sound continuously, very useful on hihats and snares, it’s kind of subliminal but very effective
I think Rick Snoman talked about this in his book and the “fundamental” DVD he released
[quote][b]roben (03/08/2010)[/b][hr]
Anyways, I'd love to do video tutorial, but don't know how to.
Do a bit of research and you can find out how to do tutorials. But like always, I found something for you. If you are on a pc, go to [url]http://camstudio.org/[/url] and if you are on a mac, go to [url]http://www.chimoosoft.com/products/captureme/[/url].
Do you talk to me outside of SA? No. How would you know that I like to do tutorials? I don't like to do them. I did it because you asked before, and I obliged. And perhaps you should stop taking cheap shots at me like you always seem to do. I really don't appreciate it.
[quote][b]roben (03/08/2010)[/b][hr]Anyways I don't know why you had to jab at me like that Howie? It seems like whenever I say anything to you, you get agitated & aggravated and take blasts at me??
It's not as if I even said anything nasty to you? I know you like doing tutorials so suggested the topic in discussion as an idea for you, then you just blast at me all guns firing?!?
It's like walking on egg shells around you buddy, I don't know what your problem is.[/quote]
No, but you like to poke fun and all that other ****. Like I said, I'm telling you to stop being a retard. You are ALWAYS the one to start **** with me. I never even really say anything to you.
If you don't get it... ask Jon. He will explain it to you in English, since you never get to understand me.
If you’ve not got anything nice to say Howie then don’t bother saying it at all, you’re like forum bully who feels the need to cause up trouble with me for no reason what so ever, i’ve had enough of it.
i know howards a good friend of mine so i may be a little one sided here but in all fairness i’ve read a lot of posts with sarcastic comments like “howards got an app for that lol” or “maybe howard would do a tutorial lol”. i can see why someone would take this as personal and eventually get pissed about it.
when you write something like “howards got an app for that lol” once it’s a joke but more than twice starts to wear thin and every other thread becomes personal.
Thanks Jon. Thats what I have been trying to say. But its alright about the ignore list. Ignore me all you want, but I hope Roben NEVER brings up my name ever again. Because in the end, I’m sick and tired of being brought up in his posts. What a child.