Old Skool... age a barrier?

Just a curiosity thing, but how old are we all here on the good ship SA?

Me, 32 today and philosophical with it.

Seems well old even by my own standards, but at the same time I dont really feel any different to when I was 18.

Anyways… who’s the oldest gun slinger in town?

18 here.

I turn 19 on July 22.


Sorry Roben, I meant physical age, not mental :smiley:

I am 28

I was actually talking about this with my friend. One of my older friend who is a basist was expalinnig me me about the meaning of soul music. And age.he was telling me when u get older u develop a deep sense of music, he told me that’s how soul music was created.I do believe him since I started to love more deep and abstract music , I used to love schranz and hard core music but I sincerely think that the. Older u get the better taste. Of music u have. IMO

I’m 28 on the 26th june.

Meh :frowning:


Heh, I know exactly what you mean, but weirdly at the same time I am also finding a stronger affinity with music from my raving days almost more than ever, like a proper renaisance.

I still like things hardcore, but like you say, maybe there is some maturing along the way.

[quote]bangthedj (30/05/2010)[hr]@aline

Heh, I know exactly what you mean, but weirdly at the same time I am also finding a stronger affinity with music from my raving days almost more than ever, like a proper renaisance.

I still like things hardcore, but like you say, maybe there is some maturing along the way.


yep , i think that the experience that you had with your music will lead you to develop an style and a sense that nobodie else will have . and lets remember that the Music that we heard before is being recycled over and over . so that means that we have the advantage of the influence .:slight_smile:

43, doubt anyone will beat that on here. sadly.

I know that I appreciate different types of music now than I did when I was younger. I had a much narrower range of genres that I would listen to - lots of RAWK. Now, even though I still like rock, I love the nuances of a range of dance music. I think I actually LISTEN more now, if that makes sense.

28th June 13th :slight_smile:

32 soon but i feel more like i should be doing it now than i ever did, although i’ve always had a passion for dance music but never really appreciated the passion until i got older.

besides i look at many of the big house producers and feel that i still have years to enjoy it.

i don’t think that the harder stuff is for me anymore, thats defo a younger mans sport lol

besides, you’ve probably spend so much time making music or mixing that its gonna have to be a huge hobby to take its place.

what else you gonna do!!! :slight_smile:

Happy birthday Btw

29 in two weeks

[quote]jonsloan (30/05/2010)[hr]43, doubt anyone will beat that on here. sadly.


Well even more sadly 44 and 45 on June 23rd - seems we have a lot of summer babys here

[quote]jonsloan (30/05/2010)[hr]43, doubt anyone will beat that on here. sadly.

I know that I appreciate different types of music now than I did when I was younger. I had a much narrower range of genres that I would listen to - lots of RAWK. Now, even though I still like rock, I love the nuances of a range of dance music. I think I actually LISTEN more now, if that makes sense.[/quote]

makes total sense :slight_smile:

I agree as you age your musical taste definitely develops.

When i was 15 i was into hardcore (helterskelter/dreamscape tape packs back in mid 90s.

Then i went into trance in 1998/1999 then hard house in 2000. I started loving house music but still prefered hard house when in around 2002, but then by 2005/6 i moved mainly to House due to finding Hard house to repetitive, samey and nothing new, have been that way since. I’ve always still loved trance.

I’ve found that my House tastes has developed a lot, i love all sorts of House but find more in the last few years i’ve developed a taste for soulful and deep house as well, where as before it wouldn’t have been my thing.

yeah your taste developes but i still listen to the music i was listening to when i was 12

in the car at the moment is fantazia the first taste and altern8’s album :wink:

my generation

[quote]mussi81 (30/05/2010)[hr]yeah your taste developes buti still listen to the music i was listening to when i was 12

in the car at the moment is fantazia the first taste and altern8’s album :wink:

my generation[/quote]

lol for me does the 80s industrial rock , not to mention also the Cheese 90s Eurodance stuff. i still get chill when i hear Snap - Rhythm is a dancer. lol

I’m 30.

I do think you have to “grow up” a bit to be truely passionate about music. When ur younger, you tend to stick to what is just there, you’re not shown really how to find yourself in music. I have a deep passion for my tunes, sometimes it can be a bit overboard lol. But over the last 8 to 10 years I have noticed a wider acceptance of styles I would not go near. I also believe that young folk, even though they say about how much they love a tune… they don’t “read” the tune inside their heads, they just hear the tune.

As your brain grows older, and you have settled well into adulthood with no real teenage type pressures, your mind has a lot more space to appreciate the tune more. It may not seem obvious, but tell me I’m wrong, and because there is that freedom of the brain, the more it gets used to it, the more feeling you get out of the tunes.

I may not have worded that entirely right, but I’m sure you get the gist.

33 in july !!!