Old Skool... age a barrier?

Wow, am I the youngest here? lol. A few days ago I was thinking to myself that I wish I started getting into this stuff when I was like 13 cause I would be really good when I was 18 cause I felt like I was older then most people starting. I guess I was completely wrong haha.

31 on july 26th

so the oldest super star DJ would be nick warren or Danny Tenaglia. i was just wondering hmm?:ermm:

This thread rocks… I was feeling a bit disillusioned with the whole thing earlier. Age tick tock etc.

Anyway turned 36 last week, wish this internet malarkey had have been around when I was Djing when I was younger. Making dance music was a bit of a black art back then :slight_smile:

I’m 18 Turned 18 on April but mentally i feel much older i guess its due with what ive been through in this short live ive had :confused:

Its funny as i starting growing up i went through so many music genres as styles etc :smiley:

I don’t think age matters, I think as long as you are happy just do what you makes you happy :slight_smile:

@ Subject 1 - What would you more listen to now? A really wide variety or do you prefer to listen to one or 2 styles, just as a matter of interest?

[quote]hindsite (31/05/2010)[hr]This thread rocks… I was feeling a bit disillusioned with the whole thing earlier. Age tick tock etc.

Anyway turned 36 last week, wish this internet malarkey had have been around when I was Djing when I was younger. Making dance music was a bit of a black art back then :)[/quote]

You’re so right mate. Unless you knew someone in the game, it was very difficult to do anything, producing was basically a no-no unless you had some money behind you. DJing - unless you knew the names of the good stuff coming out, and were able to get into the record shop early, you would be alright, in our wee town, we had a pokey wee record shop I loved, but pocket money day was a Friday, by the time I got in to it after finishing school, all the older guys had the best stuff, many weeks I left disppointed lol.

29 on the 14th.

i’m 27 and I’ve just finished my music tech degree :smiley:

I’ve thought for a long time that I was too old?! But most people on my course were in their mid-20s, somehow.

I Dj-ed for the frist time when I was 13 but I think I needed to get older to fully appreciate how important music is for me.

I didn’t really start becoming a musician untill I was in my 20s, it’s crazy really because coming from a musical family I was the only one not going down the music route, I wanted to do be doing computer animation. At the time though there was no such courses apart from ‘Graphic Design’ which didn’t really cover what I wanted to be doing anyways. However it all worked out for the best because the more i’ve gone into my 20s the more I’ve turned just like my mum musically. I’m so so thankfull for finding this website 2 years ago, I had wanted to produce for a number of years but didn’t have the resource untill this site.

19 here. Wish I got into the producing game a little earlier but hopefully there is still plenty of life in me yet:)

I’ll be 20 soon :stuck_out_tongue: on august 15 :cool::cool:

32 may 15th

For me its not so important how old you are but how passionate, I really hope im still banging out music when im 60+ :wink:

anyway im 29.

38 years old for me im afraid:D

I’m affraid to say, I’m up there with you… Turning 32 on June 27th…

it seems the majority of us are in teh same age range


Like most,

I would have really loved to get into the producing much earlier,

can i just ask how long ye lads have been producing?

32 as of June 23rd. My age issue at the moment is that I can’t go out anymore without being twice the age of everyone at the party. The club scene here in LA is **** because it costs SOOOOOOO MUCH to go. It’s usually 50 a head for a **** DJ, then tack on another 15 a drink for some watered down ****. Double those numbers because the wife wants to go too. All your left with is going to warehouse parties and raves. Both of which attract a VERY young crowd. Usually under 18… I was there at one point myself, but it’s no fun anymore to go to these parties and have some 16 year old twat ask you, “do you have any acid?”. Literally, we end up getting all kinds of free beer just because we’re like one of five ppl drinking(and old enough). Also makes for a difficult scene to make friends in as well. The DJ’s here are REALLY young too and it’s extremely cliquey. No hookups, no gigs. Period. I have become used to being the bedroom DJ at this point… I’m sure the younger crowd here in LA see’s it completely opposite of this, but you think everyone is older when your 16. :wink:


[quote]bubble sweetman (04/06/2010)[hr]26 HERE

Like most,

I would have really loved to get into the producing much earlier,

can i just ask how long ye lads have been producing?


producing for others for about 10 yrs

myself, about 2 yrs

I used to be a sound engineer, but I’m about 2 yrs outta practice. You can do the math :wink: