[quote]howiegroove (12/22/2009)[hr]Heres my thing, Im gonna get samples. And I’m gonna use them. Period. I paid for it, they included it, and I’m gonna use them.[/quote]
Damn straight bro! F*ck em. Doubt they’d make it a court case anyways if crunch came to the crunch.
Here is my way of getting around it…
Take your sample, add a similar sound on top of it, and resample both audio channels. Therefore, you have a similar idea but a totally different sample.
Hi Guys,
I ordered the book on the strength of the sample pages that you can download on the website, as they looked pretty good to me and certainly over the course of the book would teach me a number of new approaches/tricks/ideas.
I haven’t opened it yet, but will do shortly and will post my opinion on it.
Had a quick look on amazon and I couldn’t find any reviews on it yet, they don’t even seem to have any in stock so i think the review quoted earlier in the thread might be for an older book which is in the same genre.
I have to say though if the included samples are demos (and not royalty free) they are taking the pss. It is completely advertised on the website as free samples to use as you would one of their normal sample packs. I share Howie’s view of making a point to use them in future productions just to fck them over!
cheeky b*stards…
tommyt 1000 , are you my long lost brother???
he’s a robot sent back from the future to get you
[quote]howiegroove (12/21/2009)[hr]hey yall, here is a reader review that I found on Amazon about the book. To me, if I can get three good ideas out of it, I would be very happy. I scrounge after information that I don’t know yet. Most people do when the get good at something. It just seems like at some point, you seem to read the same thing over and over. But here is a good review of it, but its fair to say that just about all of the reviews were 3-5 stars, with the majority at 5. There were 1-2 star and 2-1 star reviews.
I’ve been programming techno for several years. I’ve used computer sequencers but I favor my rm1x. since the rm1x has a graphic display and an event editor as well as very robust midi implementation I have no problem using the examples and midi files in the book… [/quote]
Where’d you find that? All I could find was the book without any reviews on Amazon UK: http://www.amazon.co.uk/Secrets-House-Music-Production/dp/0956446000/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1262069981&sr=8-1
If I could order it from the American Amazon it’d be great =)
Still looking forward to Howie’s review, but I’ll probably get it. $70 is a lot, but if it could help me conceptualize a few things I’ve been struggling with, it’s worth it. I’m a decent synthesis-ist too, just having problems with MIDI programming/music ideas lately.
Dude, I seriously scoured the internet to find those and now, i cant find them anymore. I should get it soon tho and I will give a review to anyone that wants it.
Alright guys, I did get a chance to check out a hard copy that one of my friends got of the book (I dont know why I didnt get mine yet, but I hope it will be here soon). But I will say it looks like its worth every single penny. A great buy in my opinion.
i’ve just got my copy and have had a flick through and it looks good i do think £40 is a bit pricey for what it is but if the info is good i dont really care how or what its printed on i’m glad i’ve bought it anyway and dont feel dissapointed with it at all :D:D:D
ps…i’ve not put the samples onto the computer yet so cant say is there any good or not
it does say that they are licensed to you as demo’s but f*ck em if i want to use them i’ve paid for them and will use them lol
tommyt…I need your clothes, your boots…and your motorcycle.
Had a quick look through the book and I agree with the above thoughts - it’s good. The guy definitely knows what he is talking about and there are lots of well explained ideas in it that are not just for beginners. It’s something you could keep referring back to as a reference tool, so probably worth the cash even without the samples.
Now to try and put it into action…
the quoted review was from a totally different book
its quoted from amazon UK from Electronica Dance Music Programming Secrets.
Should we get that book instead then??
No, its a good buy…
As mentioned,Its a bit tight not to let the sample copyright go, but guys just remember that any sample CD drum loops , USE AS YOUR OWN, under no circumstances,in the past or the future has a court case arisen from illegally using a Drum Loop…the rhetoric is this that the original programmers of the drums loops usually NEVER recorded the original KICKs,Hats<snares perc etc.
I can guarantee that NO music Lawyer in the planet would take on a legal dispute over a drum loop of any kind.
So regarding the samples,rip the *** of the drums at least. 40 bucks and not releasing copyright in this day and age from a sample cd company is pants…although I can guarantee its because the sample cd loops from their other libraries have a tight legal contract from the original creators, It prob means that smaple magic aint buying the copyright from the contacted creators, or they have a single use contract… all this doesnt make sense otherwise.
[quote]krakow (1/5/2010)[hr]As mentioned,Its a bit tight not to let the sample copyright go, but guys just remember that any sample CD drum loops , USE AS YOUR OWN, under no circumstances,in the past or the future has a court case arisen from illegally using a Drum Loop…the rhetoric is this that the original programmers of the drums loops usually NEVER recorded the original KICKs,Hats<snares perc etc.
I can guarantee that NO music Lawyer in the planet would take on a legal dispute over a drum loop of any kind.
So regarding the samples,rip the *** of the drums at least. 40 bucks and not releasing copyright in this day and age from a sample cd company is pants…although I can guarantee its because the sample cd loops from their other libraries have a tight legal contract from the original creators, It prob means that smaple magic aint buying the copyright from the contacted creators, or they have a single use contract… all this doesnt make sense otherwise.[/quote]
its marketing, a friend has told me that the samples included are basically small section from each of the sample magic collections. i trust that they think that by letting you have a small taste you’ll want to spend out the extra £49.99 per cd on the sample magic collection.
good try SM but we aint buying it
go to youtube and type in “Amen Brother” and click the first video that pops up with a picture of a record on it. Very interesting video on samples and such. Lemme know what everyone thinks…
[quote]jon_fisher (1/5/2010)[hr][quote]krakow (1/5/2010)[hr]As mentioned,Its a bit tight not to let the sample copyright go, but guys just remember that any sample CD drum loops , USE AS YOUR OWN, under no circumstances,in the past or the future has a court case arisen from illegally using a Drum Loop…the rhetoric is this that the original programmers of the drums loops usually NEVER recorded the original KICKs,Hats<snares perc etc.
I can guarantee that NO music Lawyer in the planet would take on a legal dispute over a drum loop of any kind.
So regarding the samples,rip the *** of the drums at least. 40 bucks and not releasing copyright in this day and age from a sample cd company is pants…although I can guarantee its because the sample cd loops from their other libraries have a tight legal contract from the original creators, It prob means that smaple magic aint buying the copyright from the contacted creators, or they have a single use contract… all this doesnt make sense otherwise.[/quote]
its marketing, a friend has told me that the samples included are basically small section from each of the sample magic collections. i trust that they think that by letting you have a small taste you’ll want to spend out the extra £49.99 per cd on the sample magic collection.
good try SM but we aint buying it[/quote]
your right jon i put the cd in the computer and on it is a small selection off all there releases to try suck you in to buying them…
i would like to add that if these guys really wanted to prove these samples belonged to them its not that hard for them, the guys that run the mutekki, vengeance and some other groups have been known to use picture sounds mixed with the samples.
picture sounds are invisible (to the ear) and can be added to the samples as a signature and viewed through a spectogram. you can also do this to your own projects. The best way to do this is to buy and download the Riemann Kollektion 3 there is some info and samples to do this.
don’t panic and dump half your sample collection though LMAO, like whats been said before nobody has ever been sued for a kick drum. and for those that have been for sampling, it’s boosted their record sale’s over night :w00t: win win
anyway the reason why i would actually like to take the time to promote buying samples is that you should support what you do!!! plus if these companies stop making samples i’m gonna have to source them myself and i’m far to lazy for that guys.
so please look after lazy old me and pay for your samples
P.S don’t buy sample magic cd’s they are over rated and very poor sample collections. if you notice all the good reviews for sample magic either come from sounds to sample, sample magic or future music. all of which have some kind of connection to sample magic
[quote]jon_fisher (1/5/2010)[hr]
P.S don’t buy sample magic cd’s they are over rated and very poor sample collections. if you notice all the good reviews for sample magic either come from sounds to sample, sample magic or future music. all of which have some kind of connection to sample magic [/quote]
I disagree with the over rated comment. I really like their sample packs… ALOT!!! However…
I mainly use them for inspiration, where as I would actually sample the Loopmasters stuff, I dont with the Sample Magic stuff.