Secrets of House Revealed!

i would agree with both of you, loopmasters is a lot better, sample magic has cooler pictures on the front though so its a hard choice


can you give a review of the book, still trying to decide if i want to pick it up

Well I am still reading it, but so far its really good. I will say that this is one of two books I think every producer should have… So far. The other one is “The Dance Music Manual” by Rick Snoman. But I will give you a more in depth review though.

thanks howie

so i already have the dance music manual which is great but is it worth getting this as well or will they both have the same info in them???

One relates to house music only, and the other covers all of the basic principals of music production.

got mine today i’ll give a review in two to three days. also i would like to mention that although the samples are “DEMO” you can still use them as you like.

Licensing agreement for Sample Magic

Licensing Agreement: IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ BEFORE USING. The contents of this disc are licensed, not sold to you by Sample Magic. Ownership remains with Sample Magic. Copying, duplication, lending or re-selling of this product or its contents in whole or part are strictly prohibited. This non-exclusive license is granted for a single-user only on a global basis for the full copyright protection period. The license is non-transferable. You cannot electronically transfer the sound samples or place them in a time-sharing or service bureau operation or a computer/sampler network. Neither the producer, nor Sample Magic can be held responsible for any direct or indirect consequential loss arising from the use of this product in whatever form. All rights of the producer and the owner of the work are reserved. Unauthorised duplication of this download is a violation of applicable laws.

The license to you as “Demo” apply to it not being a full product.