Should the tutors stick with sylenth

I know lots of people have sylenth and also lots don’t but I’m wondering if it is now time to move on to another synth and keep things fresh?

We can’t use sylenth forever can we? I’m sure a group buy could still go ahead for sylenth but we could also have a group buy for a new synth. I’m not sure what the next synth would be if s.a changed, maybe as that always get a mention

Keep Sylenth.

Sylenth is a great synth I feel there is no reason to change it.

However when making certain sounds, I would also like for you guys to use what you think is the best tool for the job, not just sylenth because most people here have it.

No need to.

Its a very capable synth & I am sure that a large number of us are not using it to its full capabilities.

One can buy as many Synths as One likes - but I think SA should stick to Sylenth.

I would suggest the occasional use of Operator

[quote]mussi81 (15/05/2010)[hr]I know lots of people have sylenth and also lots don’t but I’m wondering if it is now time to move on to another synth and keep things fresh?

We can’t use sylenth forever can we? I’m sure a group buy could still go ahead for sylenth but we could also have a group buy for a new synth. I’m not sure what the next synth would be if s.a changed, maybe as that always get a mention[/quote]

sure we can use sylenth forever, if its a good synth then its a good synth. the longer you use a synth for the fatter the sounds you make will become you’ll learn the synth inside out and just because its software you shouldn’t treat them as disposable we should treat them like any synth.

its like sample CD’s, because they are cheap these days people think that they are like a fashion item

besides which most Subtractive Synths work the same way so you could buy another one and apply what you learned with sylenth to the new subractive synth.

i would like to see SA working with other synths like FM and Add but thats a different type of synth.

as subtractive (analogue) is the most common used in dance music it makes logical sense to stick with what you know.

nooo not yet i haven’t even got a sylenth yet!!!:crazy:

a look at the logic sampler or the es2 would be really great.

keep sylenth, pick a new synth that everyone would like to learn and slowly start using that synth to make the sounds in the tuts.

I think that its a big mistake going with more synths.

The whole reason why people dont know what they’re doing is cos they have too much choice.

More Sylenth - Not Less.

If SA want to use Operator in tandem with Sylenth - then all good… but bringing more 5hit in to confuse people more & encourage plugin greediness is definitely to be avoided in an educational arena such as this…

Pointless & diverting.

To all of those who are beginner & intermediate & looking for tut’s on synthesis… Pick one capable synth - learn it inside out. End of.

Put the gear lust aside until you can walk… otherwise you are only wasting your time & money.

[quote]icn (15/05/2010)[hr]

To all of those who are beginner & intermediate & looking for tut’s on synthesis… Pick one capable synth - learn it inside out. End of.

Put the gear lust aside until you can walk… otherwise you are only wasting your time & money.


Hit the nail on the head!

I think its time for other Synths like Dcam synth Squad or Predator ! :stuck_out_tongue:

I think it would be awsome to see some operator tuts not all of us can afford all the different synths to learn with =/

im down for operator

Is operator in ablton suite?

It would case using different synths on every tut, just start using a new one every six months to a year. There are plenty of sylenth tuts now I’ve been using it for nearly a year now and I’m looking for something different

if s.a did a group buy with predator I would expect to see in tutorials

Operator is only in Ableton Live 8 Suite or can purchased in the Ableton Shop !

Its a Synth Monster !

i possibly have more synths (software) than anyone could ever need lol, i know how to use 70% of them. for the sake of those calling out for more synth (sound design) tutorials we should stick to one synth. those that know how to use their synths shouldn’t need SA to show them, they should be able to take anything created with sylenth and move it to their choice of synth. using another synth will simply confuse the majority of people.

although that being said i’m sure the guys will be happy to comply if as a community we picked another synth too use.

@John fisher

Every Synth has its own Character !

Why not showing the people different Guis and the subtractic Synthesis for ?<br> <br> Its boring to see always the Sylenth 1 :wink:

Stick with one 3rd party synth that can be followed by all no matter what DAW. Sylenth gets my vote. It’s much better to get to know one synth in and out and be able to make any type of sound on it.