Sidechaining - the next level

bare with me when I try and explain what I mean …

Is there a plugin that will sidechain a signal based on its fundamental frequency? For example if a kick signal was fed into the plugin, could it then duck out just the area in the spectrum where the kick is thumping, approx around 50Hz and leave the rest of the frequency intact?

Surely this can be done?

Yeah it can be using Bluecat Audios plugins.

Blue Cat Audio Software - Professional Audio and MIDI Software and Plug-Ins for PC and Mac (VST, AU, AAX, VST3)

I just cant remember which ones lol - Dynamics and EQ maybe.

[quote]soundmagus (28/09/2011)[hr]Yeah it can be using Bluecat Audios plugins.

Blue Cat Audio Software - Professional Audio and MIDI Software and Plug-Ins for PC and Mac (VST, AU, AAX, VST3)

I just cant remember which ones lol - Dynamics and EQ maybe.[/quote]

Thanks Mr Magus … gonna check that shizzle out! :slight_smile:

I suppose coming from the multiband angle. I could split the signal of the channel with Ableton’s multiband dynamics plugin and just sidechain the lows mids or highs individually

You can sidechain Ableton’s Autofilter, so when the kick hits it takes out the low frequencies (or whatever you set it to). It has a different sound to sidechain compression, but has the same goal.

[quote]TheAnt (28/09/2011)[hr]You can sidechain Ableton’s Autofilter, so when the kick hits it takes out the low frequencies (or whatever you set it to). It has a different sound to sidechain compression, but has the same goal.[/quote]

Hey thats a good idea … definitely gonna give that trick a try! :):slight_smile:

[quote]TheAnt (28/09/2011)[hr]You can sidechain Ableton’s Autofilter, so when the kick hits it takes out the low frequencies (or whatever you set it to). It has a different sound to sidechain compression, but has the same goal.[/quote]

Just had a go, can’t really figure it out, can you explain a bit further. I’ve chosen the kick as the input signal to the auto filter – what next? :slight_smile:

Set the sidechain to the kick, set the filter to high pass and set all the way down at 26Hz, set the attack to fast and the release to maybe 50ms ish. then turn up the env to taste. It doesn’t need much.

If you want to see what it has done, set up an audio channel and record the bass with different env and release settings and look at the waveform.

[quote]TheAnt (28/09/2011)[hr]Set the sidechain to the kick, set the filter to high pass and set all the way down at 26Hz, set the attack to fast and the release to maybe 50ms ish. then turn up the env to taste. It doesn’t need much.

If you want to see what it has done, set up an audio channel and record the bass with different env and release settings and look at the waveform.[/quote]

Cool! Thanks bruv … I’m on it! :wink:

A good way to get it set up is to put a spectrum on the end of the chain, set the release on the auto filter all the way up and then turn up the env. You can then see on the spectrum how much the low frequencies are reduced, when you get the setting you like set the release to 50ms or whatever is right for your kick.

awesome tips… thanks will have a go at this as well :slight_smile:

Or you could just use the eq that is already in lives compressor ?:slight_smile:

[quote]egg2 (28/09/2011)[hr]Or you could just use the eq that is already in lives compressor ?:)[/quote]

It still compresses the whole signal when you use the EQ though doesn’t it? I have never used it so I am not sure.

Thanks for this weeks tech tip ;):cool:

[quote]egg2 (28/09/2011)[hr]Or you could just use the eq that is already in lives compressor ?:)[/quote]

Didn’t think about that, will have to try that out and see if it compresses the whole signal or not :slight_smile:

Is it possible to sidechain a parametric eq? Then you could duck very precise eq cuts when the signal feeds in! That would be well nifty!

[quote]gavisthename (28/09/2011)[hr][quote]egg2 (28/09/2011)[hr]Or you could just use the eq that is already in lives compressor ?:)[/quote]

Didn’t think about that, will have to try that out and see if it compresses the whole signal or not :)[/quote]

scrub that it wouldn’t work it only eq;s out the incoming signal !!

you could try grouping your synth and splitting the frequencies ie 1st instance sub second instance bass and so on then just slap a comp on the sub for example and side chain that ?:slight_smile:

[quote]gavisthename (28/09/2011)[hr]Is it possible to sidechain a parametric eq? Then you could duck very precise eq cuts when the signal feeds in! That would be well nifty![/quote]

isn’t that what the sidechain on the gate does? i just started using the sidechain on the gate plugin recently… so maby I’m wrong… but I’m pretty sure this is what it does.

[quote]gavisthename (28/09/2011)[hr]Is it possible to sidechain a parametric eq? Then you could duck very precise eq cuts when the signal feeds in! That would be well nifty![/quote]

You could just automate it. Stick your eq on your channel and draw in the frequency cut and return.

How do you sidechain?