Vengeance Mastering Suite: Multiband Compressor

Vengeance new toy, multi-band compressor,

Few interesting features, multi-band NY comp, dynamic patter compression, load of waveforms and as it’s vengeance it comes with bunch of presets,

Demo not available yet, but I will definitely check it out, your thoughts?

Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie!!!

Wow nice! I love how versatile this is and the broad functionaility of it.

Clearly going to cost a fair wedge though.

It’s ‘only’ £135 which I think is not too bad

that looks really cool… but, whats this USB dongle that they say is required?

[quote]Itsapandemic (03/10/2010)[hr]that looks really cool… but, whats this USB dongle that they say is required?[/quote]

in simple words Its another £30 so that you can activate their product

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[quote]Itsapandemic (03/10/2010)[hr]that looks really cool… but, whats this USB dongle that they say is required?[/quote]

Oh no, I didn’t hear that part.

That’s something that instantly puts me off.

[quote]roben (03/10/2010)[hr][quote]Itsapandemic (03/10/2010)[hr]that looks really cool… but, whats this USB dongle that they say is required?[/quote]

Oh no, I didn’t hear that part.

That’s something that instantly puts me off.[/quote]

why? what’s wrong with holding all your licenses on one usb stick that if you loose it cost’s you hell and all to sort out again.

If i remember correctly it cost between £10 and £100 depending on the plug-in to have the license transferred to a new Dongle after it’s been lost, stolen, Broken and no insurance company covers software. it’s beyond me why people don’t like the idea of dongles.

It looks like a nice plug just a shame about the dongle.

[quote]jjdejong0 (03/10/2010)[hr]It looks like a nice plug just a shame about the dongle.


You hit the nail on the head - would not even consider it now - pity as i does look very interesting - so any alternative recommendations ?

And wastes USB Ports.

Also - You have iloks & syncrosofts… Different software on 2 seperate Dongle systems.

So thats 2 USB ports outta action - if you are lucky enough to own both.

I’ve got a Syncrosoft Dongle & I’ve not bought stuff that requires an Ilok for that very reason. Not giving up another USB port.

Pure Wank.

I hate the dongle idea simply because I don’t have enough USB ports as it is, I don’t see why i should waste USB ports just to show my software that it’s registered. Most software is fine being registered without a dongle.

I also think the dongle thing has a reverse effect as it gives the pirates and crackers a challenge

Pirates have already cracked the dongle issue, you have a bit of software that runs in your start up that tricks the software into thinking you have a dongle plugged in.

Just something i read up about… :Wow:

[quote]roben (03/10/2010)[hr]Pirates have already cracked the dongle issue, you have a bit of software that runs in your start up that tricks the software into thinking you have a dongle plugged in.

Just something i read up about… :Wow:[/quote]

So if thats the case its just a money making exercise - which kinda sucks

you could design your own guys using Audio effect racks…

the sky really is the limit here…

have a look at this vid… there is 29 bands here… nothing stopping you placing compression on any of these bands… and of course 'over drive, eq, stereo widening @ selective mid range frequencies… skys the limit !

this will save you 130 bucks & a usb port & while all native to Abletons environment.

Simple & most effective hey…

Ableton Tutorial: 29 band SideChain - YouTube


Thanks lenners and d/loaded it

cool slender cool.

29 bands is a lit o.t.t. though nothing stopping you building a 4,8,12 band device …

though having such control with 29 is most welcome.

You could have side-chains set up in this rack automatically ducking other frequencies

as they happen, like how a de-esser functions, ’ ducking selective bands’

I.e. instead of a kic ducking the compression it would be a freq band :wink:


[quote]ICN (03/10/2010)[hr]And wastes USB Ports.

Also - You have iloks & syncrosofts… Different software on 2 seperate Dongle systems.

So thats 2 USB ports outta action - if you are lucky enough to own both.

I’ve got a Syncrosoft Dongle & I’ve not bought stuff that requires an Ilok for that very reason. Not giving up another USB port.

Pure Wank.[/quote]

hahaha i did this to only to find out that those plug-ins that say strictly require iLok also work with elicense on the Syncrosofts

[quote]roben (03/10/2010)[hr]Pirates have already cracked the dongle issue, you have a bit of software that runs in your start up that tricks the software into thinking you have a dongle plugged in.

Just something i read up about… :Wow:[/quote]

although this may be true, when used like this each application needs a different app running in the back ground and has a dramatic effect on your machines Cpu.

and lets face it, the dongles only there as a deterrent, like putting a anti-theft device on your car if the guy taking it really wants it he’ll get it. On a second note who can really blame vengeance and Mutekki for protecting what little they can after all out of all the producers and amateur producers i know 99% of them have vengeance samples on their machines which in turn only about 30% of those are paid for.

Another way to look at this is that the dongle its self took (or at least cubase did) nearly 2 years to crack which in that time gave yamaha the grace of two years worth of sales. the last time i read anything about Cubase, The programmers were saying that for every 1 copy sold there was 5 copies illegally installed.