Vote for Me! :))

I’m really really pleased to let you know that my remix has been selected for website voting!

I’m flying the Sonic Academy flag as pretty much everything I learned in music making was from this website, so hoping I do well!

Anyways if you could spare a click of your time, i’d be obviously more than happy to return the favour when you too have your remixes up for competiton. :slight_smile:

Look out for the “Roben Vocal Remix”, muchos gracias amigos!

Click below:


Congrats Roben although I won’t automatically vote for you.

First I’ll listen to the other mixes and vote on who’s track is the best

If your track is then you’ll get my vote for sure.

Good one bro.


well done mate and good luck :slight_smile:


roben, even if you track sucks (which im sure it doesnt) ill vote for you brotha:)

[quote]tommyt (09/04/2010)[hr]roben, even if you track sucks (which im sure it doesnt) ill vote for you brotha:)[/quote]

I think you are wrong there Tommyt …sorry man you are normally pretty cool but I have to disagree.

How on earth can you blindly vote on something you’ve never heard before? …surely at least try hearing the other tracks before you vote coz there could be some really talented dude out there who gets washed aside by the numbers game.

I wouldn’t have raised this but not so long ago Roben himself made a big issue about just unfair these competitions were by people blindly voting just like you’ve done.!

I am not suggesting Robens track is crap far from it (i haven’t heard it as yet) but at least give the other artists a fair crack at the whip unless of course all you want the next time you switch on the radio or walk into a club is to hear a load of crap because you blindly voted.

Let the best artist win man. That’s the way it should always be.

[quote]krome (09/04/2010)[hr][quote]tommyt (09/04/2010)[hr]roben, even if you track sucks (which im sure it doesnt) ill vote for you brotha:)[/quote]

I think you are wrong there Tommyt …sorry man you are normally pretty cool but I have to disagree.
How on earth can you blindly vote on something you’ve never heard before? …surely at least try hearing the other tracks before you vote coz there could be some really talented dude out there who gets washed aside by the numbers game.

I wouldn’t have raised this but not so long ago Roben himself made a big issue about just unfair these competitions were by people blindly voting just like you’ve done.!

I am not suggesting Robens track is crap far from it (i haven’t heard it as yet) but at least give the other artists a fair crack at the whip unless of course all you want the next time you switch on the radio or walk into a club is to hear a load of crap because you blindly voted.

Let the best artist win man. That’s the way it should always be.


well if Robens wins the competition and i  hear in the  radio that his remixed is crap  . i will hunt him myself for making me vote with out listening the track first  lol.just kidding :stuck_out_tongue:

aside from jokes. i think  because Tommy is his friend he will help him out and i dont see nothing wrong with ,  but  it is not in a sportmanship to just vote because to do someone a favor . if the case where the track my sound like crap  and me Lying to my friend . i would feel bad personally because i would not be helping him.

so i agree with Krome but at the same time if Roben’s track is better than the other submissions i would definetly vote and spread the word. :smiley:

by the way i cant play music in my office because i dont have speakers :frowning: plus customer dont want to hear banging house while i talk to them  hhehe

i will check your track when i get home roben and GL with your submission :slight_smile:

i see your point krome and i do agree with you. these competitions arent fair a lot of the time. Its more about getting people to vote for you (especially in the beginning) and hopefully that will carry you to the top. I also have heard a sample of robens tune awhile back and thought it was class. I feel like my want to help other sonic members out when i feel they deserve it outweighs me voting for someone else’s track that i dont know. Yes it is biased but i feel its the best thing to do, i would do the same for many people on this site. We should support each other. And its not like we are fixing the system or being unethical. Your point is spot on krome and i would apply that logic to the appropriate situation :slight_smile:

Yeah I agree with you Krome but at the same time, every single person will be getting their friends to vote for them and I bet top doller non of their friends are thinking the same mind set as you and will blindly vote their friend.

Unfortunately it is a numbers game these days, I do believe in my track, but if i’m against other people who are playing the numbers game then the only chance for me is to play it too, otherwise, like you said, i’ll get washed aside by the numbers game :frowning:

I do really value your mindset though, if only everyone was as humble and honest like you are, unfortunately they’re not.

Well I hope anyways that you do like my remix, even if you don’t vote.


Voted for ye Roben:) Sounds very clean BTW

However I do agree with Krome. Kind of annoying that these contests are just popularity contests but one thing I believe in is if your music is actually good it will get the praise it deserves eventually. Sounds very clean BTW

Thanks mate! :smiley:

i liked reveros or whatever his name is just a tiny bit better but i still voted for roben.he posts here thats why my vote went to him,if the other guy did to i wouldnt have.if any of you guys are friends you really belong voting for each other and helping each other out whenever possible,nobody else is going to thats for sure.the moral high ground when it comes to something so silly like this is pretty ridiculous,i could see if the work was crap but if its pretty solid,whats the issue?

Cheers guys for a moment I thought I’d lost my mind again :slight_smile: A regular deal lately. lol

Its just I love music, I guess its the only thing in my life that hasn’t let me down.

I feel so passionate about it and I hate any form of cheating or manipulation.

Make no mistake I really have roots here regardless of what people think and I’d love it if one of our own would win it but obviously and I’ve made my feelings clear it has to be based on merit.

Straight up Roben I will listen to your track in the morn m8 and if it is worthy you will get my vote.

May the force be with you!

hey roben same goes for me dude, i’ll take a listen to your track tonight when i get home and if it is the best one then i will vote for you, i know that most if not all of the other guys in the competition will have their friends voting for them but it won’t don you any favors as a producer to win like this. if you won on merit alone then this would be a huge boost to your confidence.

plus i can also remember you posting about it not being fair how people win these comps like this a few months back and i agreed with you, so if i voted just because it was you that then makes me a hypocrite.

best of luck dude and i’ll take a listen when i get back for work tonight.

I listened and I liked your mix, so my vote is in!:slight_smile:

SA forums with their morals… you don’t see this on any other forums…shame on you guys:P

That’s fair guys, thanks :slight_smile:

If i was being honest I prefer the Robaco Bossa mix, so i decided to do a bit of snooping and clearly i have no chance, the guy’s already had releases on:

Defected Records, Spinnin’/Made in NL, Patchy Recordings, Big Boss Records, PM Music and has a ridiculas amount of fans on his fan page.

Anyways i’m not surprised, it’s a really solid production. Fair enough.

That’s why this forum is the best, because we have our morals :slight_smile: