Website bugs - let us know and win a subscription


we’re live and are in beta and are bug fixing.

we need you to feed back to us about bugs etc - the person who reports the most will win a prize of a subscriber plus annual subscription!

so get posting!


Just subscribed today and things I have come across

To get access to videos after subscribing you have to logout then back in

You have to register for this forum even though your logged in to the main site

Also there is no button to press to register on the forum (i guessed adding Join.aspx after looking at another forum)

Where do you download the videos from? Either I’m being stupid or its not clear (when i bought the electro house tutorial a while ago it was pretty simple to do)

The subscribe button doesn’t go from the course page when you subscribe (not a problem but confusing as i thought something had gone wrong and i hadn’t subscribed

The blog points to your forum being here -

That’s just what I have come across since joining half hour ago

Right, it seems like the forum and the main site are not linked in some weird way.

Hey Kev, there are (obviously) no avatars on the forums either.

yep,the main site and forums are definitely not linked or something, are you guys using a different database for them or something?

also the forum pages seem to flicker alot

I have noticed there isn’t a project file to download in the course: how to make electro house with ableton. Maybe there never was or something went wrong with the new site??

And course How to make french electro: lesson 4 won’t stream: says stream can not be found

A few things I have noticed.

The forum and website are not linked as one asks you to log in with a username and the other asks for an email address.

When you go to “My Account” it brings you to a page where you can only change your password, and no actual account settings are listed.

I will update with more as I find them.

Hey Kev,

There appears to be a login issue still. In another topic, I went to quote Roben, and it required me to re-enter my username and password. However, it was asking for my email address and not my user name.

[quote]howiegroove (04/02/2010)[hr]Hey Kev,

There appears to be a login issue still. In another topic, I went to quote Roben, and it required me to re-enter my username and password. However, it was asking for my email address and not my user name.[/quote]

Punch in your email address and password then you should be good howie,

 what i dont know is how to get to the remember me screen  any takers ?:slight_smile:

Two bugs so far:

  1. Funkasaurus video 4 brings up a stream error
  2. Create a synth in Reaktor lesson 9 ‘Create multiple oscillators’ brings up similar stream error.

    Free subscription here I come! :slight_smile:

[quote]wickedged (04/02/2010)[hr]Two bugs so far:

  1. Funkasaurus video 4 brings up a stream error
  2. Create a synth in Reaktor lesson 9 ‘Create multiple oscillators’ brings up similar stream error.

    Free subscription here I come! :)[/quote]

    3: Making a Synth In Reaktor: Lesson 20 ‘Duplicating Oscillators and Adding Retrigger Control’ streaming error message appears

Hiya. Really liking the new layout. Bit too much white maybe. Anyway, the Sweeps & Risers Tech Tip also returns a “200, Stream not found…” error.

[quote]scotchegg (04/02/2010)[hr]Hiya. Really liking the new layout. Bit too much white maybe. Anyway, the Sweeps & Risers Tech Tip also returns a “200, Stream not found…” error.[/quote]

Yeah definitely too white.

When you click to quote someone, the website makes you log in again.

[quote]roben (04/02/2010)[hr][quote]scotchegg (04/02/2010)[hr]Hiya. Really liking the new layout. Bit too much white maybe. Anyway, the Sweeps & Risers Tech Tip also returns a “200, Stream not found…” error.[/quote]

Yeah definitely too white.

When you click to quote someone, the website makes you log in again.[/quote]

Why not post a poll Roben? Go for democracy lol
I would but it would get ignored. :slight_smile:

I have to agree not only is the colour scheme too bright but imo its cold. If I didn’t know better I’d say I was suffering from snowblindness :smiley:
Images never look as good on white backrounds either. they don’t have the same impact as say a black backround.

I can not upload an avatar. Keep getting error message

Auto logon dont work yet :slight_smile:

[quote]egg2 (04/02/2010)[hr][quote]howiegroove (04/02/2010)[hr]Hey Kev,

There appears to be a login issue still. In another topic, I went to quote Roben, and it required me to re-enter my username and password. However, it was asking for my email address and not my user name.[/quote]

Punch in your email address and password then you should be good howie,

what i dont know is how to get to the remember me screen any takers ?:)[/quote]

Im fine with the login. Its infrequent but it happens. Just an FYI.

also another bug: when you login directly in the community forum, it redirects you to the main sonicacademy website, then when you click on community you have the option to login again and does not show you are logged in, but when you refresh the page then it shows that you are logged in.

[quote]wickedged (04/02/2010)[hr][quote]wickedged (04/02/2010)[hr]Two bugs so far:

  1. Funkasaurus video 4 brings up a stream error
  2. Create a synth in Reaktor lesson 9 ‘Create multiple oscillators’ brings up similar stream error.

    Free subscription here I come! :)[/quote]

    3: Making a Synth In Reaktor: Lesson 20 ‘Duplicating Oscillators and Adding Retrigger Control’ streaming error message appears[/quote]

    4: Tech Trance: Lesson 9 Arrange to the Break. Brings up a stripped down login page with ‘Page Not Found’ message.

Video Links Fixed… login stuff still being worked on… forums will be properly skinned in the next few weeks.