What DAW do you you want the HTSL videos in?

i can follow any tutorial in my cubase but would be nice to have more Cubase tutorials. because you guys can show us especific techniques or shortcuts that you guys might know about cubase .

wow, i would think there would be more logic users than cubase

[quote]chekka (22/04/2010)[hr]and there were lots of things i didnt realise ableton could do

i can see where Live has advantages in a dj / Live setting[/quote]

Dude, I’m going to college and I’m taking an advanced Ableton class. I have been using Live for a while now, and I will say that the capabilities that Live has is endless AND amazing. Parallel sounds, routing madness, etc…

I feel so limited by other DAW’s. I will say though that I am taking a class in the fall for Logic Pro so that I can use both Live and Ableton. I will probably do my work in Ableton and do my arrangement in Logic Pro.

But Live is where its at, for sure! The numbers speak for themselves.

how about Fast Tracker? :wink:

Can’t believe no one is mentioning Reason… it’s so much more fun than any of the above :slight_smile:

[quote]seanl (23/04/2010)[hr]how about Fast Tracker? :wink:

Can’t believe no one is mentioning Reason… it’s so much more fun than any of the above :)[/quote]

Reason feels so limited. You can really only work with MIDI. Thats why its not one of the top DAW’s anymore.

[quote]seanl (23/04/2010)[hr]how about Fast Tracker? :wink:

Can’t believe no one is mentioning Reason… it’s so much more fun than any of the above :)[/quote]

I demoed both Reason and Ableton when I decided to get back into production and though I agree Reason is fun, but Ableton won (for me) hands down for its flexibility and simple power

[quote]seanl (23/04/2010)[hr]how about Fast Tracker? :wink:


Hehe… i was a big fan of FT2 but Impulse Tracker is a step further ! :smiley:

most of the tutorials are in ableton…

we need some cubase tutorials (there’s only 1!)

[quote]boneidol (23/04/2010)[hr]Think this needs a bump and hopefully someone at SA will see and take note that it’s all about ableton:cool:

But saying that they start bringing out god forbid more more reason video’s or even logic ones then I would want a htsl Dom Sweeten even though it has been out voted!





So atm ableton has 3 times more votes then all the other DAW’s put together. A clear win!

Think thats safe to say!:cool:

I own Logic, Reason and Ableton. Could definitely live without Logic and Reason. Ableton Live all the way!

Good to see ableton is gettng more votes from the people paying SA’s wages!

74% of the votes goes towards Ableton.

It’s a clear winner! Move over Logic / Cubase, you’re time is done :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: (jokes)

[quote]jon_fisher (12/03/2010)[hr]i’ve added my vote, however i did do one of these polls a month ago and ableton won by a land slide with only a small % going to logic and cubase.

would be interesting to see if the people using the forum are still mainly ableton users :)[/quote]

Looks like they are! lol

Anyways we should still cater for the minority, it’s important.

Anyways we should still cater for the minority, it’s important.

Haha! Roben for Mod!!*


Well I am a minority and I want a HTSL Dom Sweeten(Defective Audio)


[quote]boneidol (06/08/2010)[hr]Well I am a minority and I want a HTSL Dom Sweeten(Defective Audio)


We’ve needed and requested a hard dance tutorial on SA for longer than i can remember to be honest.

[quote]ICN (06/08/2010)[hr]Anyways we should still cater for the minority, it’s important.

Haha! Roben for Mod!!*


Yeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhh like thats ever likely to happen, i’m too controversial and opinionated haha.

[quote]roben (06/08/2010)[hr][quote]boneidol (06/08/2010)[hr]Well I am a minority and I want a HTSL Dom Sweeten(Defective Audio)


We’ve needed and requested a hard dance tutorial on SA for longer than i can remember to be honest.[/quote]

Starting to think from next week I might start a daily topic requesting one, then after a week it’ll be two topic’s a day and so on till I am requesting it every hour!