What DAW do you you want the HTSL videos in?

I actually am just getting into Logic now. I must say, that if you arent using it for live situations it is way superior to Ableton. Thats not to say that I will stop using Ableton all together, but the flexibility is phenomenal. Not to mention that it comes already bundled with the best VST selection money can buy!

[quote]howiegroove (06/08/2010)[hr]I actually am just getting into Logic now. I must say, that if you arent using it for live situations it is way superior to Ableton. Thats not to say that I will stop using Ableton all together, but the flexibility is phenomenal. Not to mention that it comes already bundled with the best VST selection money can buy![/quote]

I guess most DAWs comes with good VSTI enough to make a Pro track . but why did you said that Logic is better than ableton?

really surprised that comes from you but . can you specify why ?

i thought ableton was better for beats and Drums patterns than Logic but its only good to hear whats that extra features

I just enjoy that the product (Ableton) looks and feels a little more professional. Obviously the big 3 are all very powerful… especially after plug-ins. I use it most likely because many of my friends who do this stuff professionally use it, and that familiarity is nice. I’m an analogue guy though that enjoys live stuff… so my opinion sucks. :smiley:

The main things that I noticed is that for one, Logic sounds WAY better then Live. I know this because I bounced the stems down from Ableton and imported them to Logic and I was blown away. The other things include the opinion that the quality of the plugins are superior then any other DAW. Everything you need is pretty much included in Logic Pro 9. And lastly, Logic can do anything. And I mean ANYTHING. In Live, its not the case. Knowing what I know, it was easy to learn Logic and I’m learning more and more every day, but the main thing that is interesting is that it uses real signal flow. You dont need to learn that in Live. It just does it for you in the background. Is Ableton bad? Hell no. Its a great DAW. But I will probably only use it for quick idea creation as well as for live situations.

Well I don’t think one can say a DAW sounds better than another ( unless you talk about the quality of the plugins )

There have been lots of debate on it and clearly a DAW doesn’t improve any sound, the difference might come from the plugins you use in each DAW but not the DAW itself

Take a wave file put it in each DAW and then export it so you get two times the same files, you can then compare them in any sequencer with the two files played at the same time but with one of them being phase-inverted, you’ll hear no sound

I also doubt Logic would get the best VSTs available to do “pro” music, what about Cubase 5, Pro tools… ?

I’ve tested them as well and I never found that Logic’s plugins were “better” in a way, sometimes more practical but Cubase and Protools doesn’t have anything to envy to Logic in my opinion

But well Logic is a very great sequencer, I can’t say anything about Ableton because I never tried it

well sorry for my english lol

I trust my ears. When i bounce stems from Live and play them in Logic and they sound better, then I will say that Logic sounds better. You can produce professional music in ANY DAW period. Its all a matter of preference. You can neither tell what DAW a song was made in by its sound. Thats impossible. I played two samples. It sounded better in Logic then in Live.

Besides, Logic DOES have a better sound engine then Live. It could be because of the warping that Live does and whatnot. However, I’m sure Pro-Tools is great and all, but its garbage in my opinion. If you arent recording bands, I would never run it. Logic or Live would have preference over Pro-Tools. I just never used Cubase, but I never really heard anything good about it. So whatever.

[quote]howiegroove (10/08/2010)[hr]I trust my ears. When i bounce stems from Live and play them in Logic and they sound better, then I will say that Logic sounds better. You can produce professional music in ANY DAW period. Its all a matter of preference. You can neither tell what DAW a song was made in by its sound. Thats impossible. I played two samples. It sounded better in Logic then in Live.

Besides, Logic DOES have a better sound engine then Live. It could be because of the warping that Live does and whatnot. However, I’m sure Pro-Tools is great and all, but its garbage in my opinion. If you arent recording bands, I would never run it. Logic or Live would have preference over Pro-Tools. I just never used Cubase, but I never really heard anything good about it. So whatever.[/quote]

I used Cubase since the beginning so i haven’t seen anything wrong with it . works fine to me but i sincerely dont see the whole point of learning to use another DAW if you already mastered one. IMO Fruty Loops sounds as same or even better from Cubase or Logic but IMO i would not waste time trying to learn how to sequence in other DAWS because it sound better. but this is just me and i sincerely dont want to compare others Daws because i seen what people are capable of doing with simple and basic tools. but like you said is all about the personal preferences :slight_smile:

yeah…for sure Ali

However, I didnt go to Logic for the sound. i went to it for the flexibility. There are TONS of things you can do in Logic that you simply CANT in Live. If I can get as fast in Logic as I can in Live (which I think I’m doing quite well), my productions will go up.

[quote]Besides, Logic DOES have a better sound engine then Live. It could be because of the warping that Live does and whatnot. However, I’m sure Pro-Tools is great and all, but its garbage in my opinion. If you arent recording bands, I would never run it. Logic or Live would have preference over Pro-Tools. I just never used Cubase, but I never really heard anything good about it. So whatever.[/quote]

that old chestnut eh? If i had  apound for everytime someones told me this and that daw sounds better then that DAW…

I’d be keen to see you do a blind A-B test and see if “logics” superior sound engine shines through.

Simply put it’s what you do with the DAW not the Daw that seperates the wheat from the chaff. Dangermouse produced the grey album in Acid but it still sounded sick because of his ideas.

[quote]Aapie (11/08/2010)[hr][quote]Besides, Logic DOES have a better sound engine then Live. It could be because of the warping that Live does and whatnot. However, I’m sure Pro-Tools is great and all, but its garbage in my opinion. If you arent recording bands, I would never run it. Logic or Live would have preference over Pro-Tools. I just never used Cubase, but I never really heard anything good about it. So whatever.[/quote]

that old chestnut eh? If i had apound for everytime someones told me this and that daw sounds better then that DAW…

I’d be keen to see you do a blind A-B test and see if “logics” superior sound engine shines through.

Simply put it’s what you do with the DAW not the Daw that seperates the wheat from the chaff. Dangermouse produced the grey album in Acid but it still sounded sick because of his ideas.[/quote]

Did you read the rest of or any of my other posts? I never said that you cant make amazing music on any DAW. Period. I think Logic sounds better then Ableton, personally and it is said to have a better sound engine. But the reason I use it is because I have more control over my music and what I want to do.

Who cares? Seriously, get over it. This wasn’t meant to be a “which DAW is better” discussion. I’m simply giving my opinion and explaining why I use Logic. But the kicker is, that I use Live as well. I also never once knocked another DAW. The only thing that I will say is that Cubase is really expensive for what you get.

Straight quote from Music Radar:


[quote]Logic Studio remains fantastic and feature-stuffed, and Logic Pro 9 is perhaps the best all-round DAW you can buy.[/quote]

Ableton all the way. If you do stuff in reason make it how to use combinators to make original sounds cause I rewire reason into ableton a lot.


lol I don’t want to have an argument with anyone here lol, I think the difference you hear, Howiegroovie, might come from the fact that logic 9 is perhaps less “cpu-intensive” than Ableton ( who knows ? ), latency can play a big role…

I don’t believe those “best audio engines” stuff ( = commercial crap in my mind there’s no audio engine in any sequencer as far as I know but then I’m no expert )

well I think you’re not one of those “self-proclaimed experts” who think that DAWs have magic “sounds”

I’ve never been able to explain that to my friend whom I’m working with, he keeps thinking that Cubase sounds better than fruity loops but he’s free to think he became an audio expert as soon as he was born…

[quote]howiegroove (11/08/2010)[hr][quote]Aapie (11/08/2010)[hr][quote]Besides, Logic DOES have a better sound engine then Live. It could be because of the warping that Live does and whatnot. However, I’m sure Pro-Tools is great and all, but its garbage in my opinion. If you arent recording bands, I would never run it. Logic or Live would have preference over Pro-Tools. I just never used Cubase, but I never really heard anything good about it. So whatever.[/quote]

that old chestnut eh? If i had apound for everytime someones told me this and that daw sounds better then that DAW…

I’d be keen to see you do a blind A-B test and see if “logics” superior sound engine shines through.

Simply put it’s what you do with the DAW not the Daw that seperates the wheat from the chaff. Dangermouse produced the grey album in Acid but it still sounded sick because of his ideas.[/quote]

Did you read the rest of or any of my other posts? I never said that you cant make amazing music on any DAW. Period. I think Logic sounds better then Ableton, personally and it is said to have a better sound engine. But the reason I use it is because I have more control over my music and what I want to do.

Who cares? Seriously, get over it. This wasn’t meant to be a “which DAW is better” discussion. I’m simply giving my opinion and explaining why I use Logic. But the kicker is, that I use Live as well. I also never once knocked another DAW. The only thing that I will say is that Cubase is really expensive for what you get.

Straight quote from Music Radar:


[quote]Logic Studio remains fantastic and feature-stuffed, and Logic Pro 9 is perhaps the best all-round DAW you can buy.[/quote]


but your not stating personal prefrence in your posts your making a claim that is unfounded and has been discussed countless times and never proved.

You may or may not be right, and of course work in whatever suits you, but as i said I’d like to see you do an A-B test with Logic and all the other daws and see how many times the superior sound quality of Logic beats everything else - especially when you’re saying Protools is gash :slight_smile:

I clearly stated that what I said was purely opinion a couple times. I don’t appreciate anyone putting words in my mouth.

However, it is no secret that Logic is far more powerful than Ableton Live, although Live excels at many things, it is plain FACT there are things that Live CANNOT do. Period. If you don’t believe me, I can make a quick list.

I also said “I THINK” that Logic sounds better to my ears. I never stated that I am an engineer or a professional. It was a matter of opinion and a couple of you take it out of context. So, before you post again, read my whole post before you start criticizing me for giving my opinions.

It’s weird because quite a few producers have all claimed that Logic sounds better / has a better sound engine. I personally am yet to compair.

[quote]roben (15/08/2010)[hr]It’s weird because quite a few producers have all claimed that Logic sounds better / has a better sound engine. I personally am yet to compair.


You also just got a Mac, right?

[quote]howiegroove (17/08/2010)[hr][quote]roben (15/08/2010)[hr]It’s weird because quite a few producers have all claimed that Logic sounds better / has a better sound engine. I personally am yet to compair.


You also just got a Mac, right?[/quote]

No, but my housemate has, maybe there was the confusion. I would like one though.

The course I’m starting in September teaches with Logic, so will get my chance to check it out then.