What is Phil Drinking Right Now?

Phil & Bryan are Irish... are they not?

What are the odds that they are drinking right now...

I bet there is like a 3-1 odd they are drinking Guinness right now.

But what do I know... It could be like some kinda wheat beer or something.

Or some crazy Irish beer that is like 50% alcohol that makes you beat your red headed stepchild.

Anybody else have any thoughts on the matter?

PS. just so we are clear. I'm Irish too and after work I am drinking until i can't feel feelings anymore.

Being in NI… Theres a good chance they’re skulling cans of Harp :smiley:

[quote]ICN (17/03/2011)[hr]Being in NI… Theres a good chance they’re skulling cans of Harp :smiley:


see I knew somebody would know something about it! :w00t:

heck it could be something really cool that we don’t even know about…

and on another note… never actually heard somebody use the term “skulling” before…

but it is going to have a permanent place in my vocabulary.

sounds like a word for wacking someones head off a wall…


It would be a word used down the south anyway… not by Professionals of course :slight_smile:

They probably have it in NI too.

Usually - "Skull it back there…. "

or - “Skull it in ta ya!

or “Skull it…


You can also use it to describe when you drank something with vigor - “I skulled it…

only spides drink harp


For the American Lads… [url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spide[/url]


gwan da millbegs yeeeooowwww!!!


dress yer own spide there hahaha


i knew this would be a good thread!

I’m bryans long suffering gf and I can confirm he left the house at 2pm to begin drinking. He actually left me at home entertaining his parents who had called to see him to go boozing!!

He’s gonna suffer guinness farts for a few days after this (actually it’ll be me and the dog suffering :blink: )

[quote]Customer Service (17/03/2011)[hr]I’m bryans long suffering gf and I can confirm he left the house at 2pm to begin drinking. He actually left me at home entertaining his parents who had called to see him to go boozing!!

He’s gonna suffer guinness farts for a few days after this (actually it’ll be me and the dog suffering :blink: )[/quote]


see ICN! I was right about the Guinness!


[quote]Customer Service (17/03/2011)[hr]I’m bryans long suffering gf and I can confirm he left the house at 2pm to begin drinking. He actually left me at home entertaining his parents who had called to see him to go boozing!!

He’s gonna suffer guinness farts for a few days after this (actually it’ll be me and the dog suffering :blink: )[/quote]

Thanks Phil! :wink: :smiley:

[quote]UnitedVision (17/03/2011)[hr][quote]Customer Service (17/03/2011)[hr]I’m bryans long suffering gf and I can confirm he left the house at 2pm to begin drinking. He actually left me at home entertaining his parents who had called to see him to go boozing!!

He’s gonna suffer guinness farts for a few days after this (actually it’ll be me and the dog suffering :blink: )[/quote]


see ICN! I was right about the Guinness![/quote]

Respect! :stuck_out_tongue: :hehe: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :cool:

just listen for the hick-ups, burps and long pauses in the new content they release tomorrow and don’t be surprised if brys got a few spelling mistake in the newsletter.

i have a schlep of guiness in the fridge for later tbh…

Fizzy Guiness out of the press - FK that sissy fridge sh!te :slight_smile:

Thats what I’m having later :hehe:

Such a Stereotype :slight_smile: