What is Phil Drinking Right Now?

aw bleuchh

draught tins from the fridge

none of the oul man crap

you’ll be havin cabbage and bacon next

or la parfum de convent as its known

very international us micks

tis the emigration y’see

cue a lament about the oul country etc

I like both… LOL but its the difference of ending up drinking 6 or 7 cans - rather than 4 bottles. Its too easy to drink. So much lighter in body than in the pub.

If they stuck a funny label on the Fizzy Guinness & called it Black Knob or something… everyone would be drinking it.

Bacon & Cabbage: My Wifes mum actually makes it each time we go around, cos she knows I wont stink my house out making it. Handy or fkn what?!

i hate cabbage :stuck_out_tongue:

Is Rasher slang for vagina up the north as well?

rasher is rarely used for bacon tbh never mind fanny

[quote]ICN (17/03/2011)[hr].

[quote]Customer Service (17/03/2011)[hr]I’m bryans long suffering gf and I can confirm he left the house at 2pm to begin drinking. He actually left me at home entertaining his parents who had called to see him to go boozing!!

He’s gonna suffer guinness farts for a few days after this (actually it’ll be me and the dog suffering :blink: )[/quote]

Thanks Phil! :wink: :D[/quote]

HaHa :smiley:

i drink yuengling. america’s oldest brewery! like 30 minutes from my house.

it still doesnt beat the time I went to dublin and got a chance to visit the Guinness factory…

Yes Guinness really does taste better in Dublin.

That Yuengling stuff is alright. I do like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale though.

Funny but I feel like drinking now. I’m going out training in an hour though so that’s not on. Can’t be slapping people when I’m drunk.

it must be ok - i never heard of it!

all the american beer ye get of over here is rotten

coors miller bud BLEUUCCHHH

Guiness tastes like rancid bong water, and I don’t care what fairytale anyone wants to believe it can’t taste magically better in Ireland either, unless it somehow tasted of strong Belgian Beer, then maybe.

Gotta give it to the Irish, their international PR team is amazing. Even America’s founding fathers like Sam Adams (who was English) would probably claim to be of Irish origins.

guiness is yum - so there!

much nicer than bong water ( so they say! :wink: )

Admittedly I’m not a fan, but that aside, the second part still stands!

If people told you John Smiths tasted better in Swindon people would think you were batty.

[quote]jonsloan (17/03/2011)[hr]Yes Guinness really does taste better in Dublin.

That Yuengling stuff is alright. I do like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale though.

Funny but I feel like drinking now. I’m going out training in an hour though so that’s not on. Can’t be slapping people when I’m drunk.[/quote]

Sacrilegious! I’m a true Guinness fan, and shall be drinking it all day.

Don’t stereotype just because they’re irish :wink: :stuck_out_tongue:

lol I wonder if any tutorials will be released tommorow haha all those poor glitch step house people :stuck_out_tongue: Mabey Phil or Bry can sample a guinness fart and use it as a bassline for some future Techno tutorials, I doubt anyone will really be able to tell the difference… :stuck_out_tongue:

[quote]jjdejong0 (17/03/2011)[hr]lol I wonder if any tutorials will be released tommorow haha all those poor glitch step house people :stuck_out_tongue: Mabey Phil or Bry can sample a guinness fart and use it as a bassline for some future Techno tutorials, I doubt anyone will really be able to tell the difference… :p[/quote]

I prefer my wet farts more harmonics

Yeah but I hear guinness farts have a good low end, good sustain and pretty much all sound the same, isnt that exactly whats needed in a modern techno track? :stuck_out_tongue:

Don’t forget the cowbell!

Tbh I think by todays standards in techno that a cowbell is just two much variety, you really want 8-10 minutes of a solid kick drum with some random guinness farts on top thats true techno…