What is Phil Drinking Right Now?

[quote]jjdejong0 (17/03/2011)[hr]Tbh I think by todays standards in techno that a cowbell is just two much variety, you really want 8-10 minutes of a solid kick drum with some random guinness farts on top thats true techno…[/quote]

I am on it now :slight_smile:

Lol im seriously thinking about sampling a fart and try to make a bassline out of it, SHM did it with a kick so surely it can be done with a fart… Lmao

Just back in…

This Fizzy Guinness is as good as any Belgian Beer :slight_smile:


Also… Theres so much difference in a pint of Guinness. Usually somewhere that sells nothing but the stuff unsurprisingly sells a superb pint.

The Aran Islands of the South West Coast of Ireland was the best I’ve ever had. Everyone on the Islands is wasted & drinking Guinness outside in the rain until 4am. No Police.

[quote]bangthedj (17/03/2011)[hr]Guiness tastes like rancid bong water, and I don’t care what fairytale anyone wants to believe it can’t taste magically better in Ireland either, unless it somehow tasted of strong Belgian Beer, then maybe.

Gotta give it to the Irish, their international PR team is amazing. Even America’s founding fathers like Sam Adams (who was English) would probably claim to be of Irish origins.[/quote]

Arze :stuck_out_tongue:

It truly does taste better. Draft Guinness is exported from Ireland in powdered form (and is highly explosive btw) - so, when they reconstitute it abroad they use different water depending on where they are. So, Dublin Guinness tastes different/better because (a) it’s never been powdered and (b) even if it was they’d use proper Irish water to rehydrate it.

If you say so… :wink:

I hear Lego is more fun in Denmark, and Saabs drive smoother in Swedish air :hehe:

northampton carlsberg is better than from denmark because its closer :smiley:

Well a family friend worked for a shipping company and they handled Guinness - which needed an explosives license to move it.

The other thing that affects taste is the type/length of the pour - which should be done in two stages and take around two minutes at least to do. Most bars outside Ireland don’t do this and it leaves the Guinness too aerated.

Anyway, I’m a bloody Guinness bore. So I’ll shut up now :wink:

one of the tracks on my soundcloud uses a whoopee cushion sampled to make a kind of snare sound

its called “wee hangover cure” did it xmas befoe last or something

checked there now - i have deleted it fom osundcloud

it was on my old computer - if i can find it ill upload again and lost the link here

it was like 140 bpm and a whoopee cushion sampled to make a snare

No worries Jon.

I used to work in a pub and Guinness drinkers were the biggest PITA. Complaining even if there was a bubble on top (from the last drop or whatever). So I used to pop them with my finger before they saw from then on, no one ever noticed.

I’m sure you’re a stand up fellow tho of course, these were irritating people anyway. I’ve heard various things about Guinness being shipped from Ireland only, but never that it was powdered, will have to look into that!

But still a small part of me can’t believe that it’s not at least in part just good marketing and the charm of the irish :wink:

Lol i was in a pub today getting the barman to play ol man rover oh and this track… got everyone in the mood even tho most people in Holland dont even know what paddies day is…


Guinness website claims it’s brewed in over 50 countries:


Also interestingly:


Is it true that you get a much better pint of GUINNESS® stout in Ireland?

GUINNESS® is GUINNESS® - wherever you are. We always use pure, fresh water from natural local sources for the GUINNESS® stout brewed outside Ireland. That said, in blind tests (with a bunch of highly cynical journalists) none of our sample could tell the difference between Irish-brewed GUINNESS® and the locally produced variety. All the GUINNESS® sold in the UK, Ireland and North America is brewed in Ireland at the historic St. James’s Gate Brewery in Dublin.

I say ‘interestingly’ as I too am a highly cynical journalist. Maybe it’s just us that can’t tell the difference then!

guiness brewed in dublin is made with flouridated water

so you might want to avoid that if yoour that way inclined

[quote]bangthedj (17/03/2011)[hr]Hmmm,

Guinness website claims it’s brewed in over 50 countries:


Also interestingly:


Is it true that you get a much better pint of GUINNESS® stout in Ireland?

GUINNESS® is GUINNESS® - wherever you are. We always use pure, fresh water from natural local sources for the GUINNESS® stout brewed outside Ireland. That said, in blind tests (with a bunch of highly cynical journalists) none of our sample could tell the difference between Irish-brewed GUINNESS® and the locally produced variety. All the GUINNESS® sold in the UK, Ireland and North America is brewed in Ireland at the historic St. James’s Gate Brewery in Dublin.

I say ‘interestingly’ as I too am a highly cynical journalist. Maybe it’s just us that can’t tell the difference then![/quote]

Lies, damn lies and statistics!

ahh, marketing - like statistics it’s easily interpreted in different ways.

So they brew it in different countries yet it tastes the same the world over and no one can tell the difference? As an evil marketing b’stard myself that’s what I’d say. I mean you’re not going to say “Yeah, we have the best stuff here and what you’re drinking is inferior; despite the fact that you’re paying over the odds for it.”

Also, you could brew it, powder it, ship it and rehydrate it elsewhere and still claim it’s brewed in Dublin. Technically it would be right?

As a cynical ex-journo myself.

Probably, and it does stipulate made with the local water… which could be the only ingredient thats local??? Seems a lot of effort though to powder something.

[quote]bangthedj (17/03/2011)[hr]Probably, and it does stipulate made with the local water… which could be the only ingredient thats local??? Seems a lot of effort though to powder something.


possibly, though it depends on how far you’re sending it - shipping costs for a bulky, heavy water laden item could outweigh the costs incurred in dehydrating it and then shipping it.

i hazard a guess at something begining with S and ending with K…?


Guinness get the Unemployed People of Ireland to stand in line & wank into the Stout Cauldrons. Gives them something to do.

Thats where the head comes from - and that its an aquired taste :slight_smile:

Is that why its so popular in Brighton?

[quote]jjdejong0 (18/03/2011)[hr]Is that why its so popular in Brighton?[/quote]

Yeah… Sperm - Cos it reminds them of Guinness :smiley: