What is Phil Drinking Right Now?

You’d know all about that wouldn’t you Jan :wink:

[quote]bryan spence (18/03/2011)[hr]Prrrrrffffrrpppp[/quote]

probably the single greatest post of this thread.

Sperm tastes so much better in Brighton, apparently :smiley:

As the saying goes: When in Brighton…[p][/p]

Memo to self - Never go to Brighton. 

[quote]bangthedj (18/03/2011)[hr]Sperm tastes so much better in Brighton, apparently :D[/quote]

especially when you got that recepy book :smiley:

Lol while there are plans all around the world to shut down nuclear power plants exept in China where they are building more, the same goes for Guinnes brewaries shutting down exept in Brighton where they plan to have 32 by 2015…

I love how you mock somewhere you’ve never visited :laugh:

[quote]Roben (19/03/2011)[hr]I love how you mock somewhere you’ve never visited :laugh:[/quote]

Are you talking about the Brown Tube?

[quote]ICN (19/03/2011)[hr][quote]Roben (19/03/2011)[hr]I love how you mock somewhere you’ve never visited :laugh:[/quote]

Are you talking about the Brown Tube?[/quote]

Thats the Bakerloo Line aint it?

Yeah… thats a ****pipe too, innit?! :slight_smile:

right i really dont wanna offend anyone… BUT isnt it a bit sad that whilst people were out drinking on st paddies day, you lot were on here posting threads about what the tutors might possibly be drinking?

well, until we’re as rich as David Guetta, we have to go out to work.

by that logic everyone that was out for paddies day drinking are millionaires…

or Irish! And live in Ireland where it’s a national holiday :slight_smile:

I had a belated Guinness binge last nite…

Was in the Pub, there happened to be a knackers 21st at it (Irish Chavs).

The Birthday boy was a Midget… with a little pencil moustache. Wearing a massive puffa jacket. Should have seen the people going into it. All the stereotypes.

Went into the jacks & it was like a sunken submarine. Filthy fkn place. Knackers all along the trough, to I went to use the cubicle… but the door wouldnt close properly & I couldnt p!ss with hearing all these knackery voices behind me… so I left to use the other toilet in the other bar - had to be better like…

Went in - Typical modern style Pub toilet… except it had Sh!t smeared alll over the walls. FFS! :hehe:

This was supposed to be a good pub in a good area - LOL