So its time i upgraded my imac
I’m looking at either a 27" imac quad core (just basic right now but may pimp it a touch)
a basic mac pro with 27inch screen
Has any one got either of these and what are the pros. I know that with a mac pro u can upgrade them but the cost of just the screen alone makes me wonder if i should go for a 27inch imac and then later get a pro to link through it with a 2nd screen as i have heard you can do.
Or are the imacs powerful enough that a mac pro isnt really needed?
Can some techy guys give me a hand please … thanx x
none, get a pc
[quote]gofunk (21/12/2010)[hr]none, get a pc[/quote]
haha your funny
Nah im a logic user mate. And i get tired of my mates moaning their pc keeps gettin viruses and crashing. I’m a true mac person
Get a PC, twice the power, half the cost.
As above mate
plus most people im due to collab with run logic too. sure many on here have one
It’s ok, it’s more just a joke towards all the ‘get a mac’ people who keep jacking PC related threads lol.
You gave us a window to get you mac types back hehe
well deserved though haha ive seen far to much “buy a mac” stuff. its what works best that counts
I got an iMac 27" quadcore i5 and it’s the bizniss.
Had a really weedy old PC before so unfair to compare, but I love this beast. The screen size helps too.
I can happily run Ableton with a load of soft synths, plus all my other usual stuff at the same time (firefox with 18 tabs open, tweetdeck yadda yadda).
Bad for productivity, but the computer doesn’t bat an eyelid.
get the imac, the mac pro’s havent been updated or refreshed in a while and they are currently touted as the xserve replacements.
[quote]bangthedj (21/12/2010)[hr]I got an iMac 27" quadcore i5 and it’s the bizniss.
Had a really weedy old PC before so unfair to compare, but I love this beast. The screen size helps too.
I can happily run Ableton with a load of soft synths, plus all my other usual stuff at the same time (firefox with 18 tabs open, tweetdeck yadda yadda).
Bad for productivity, but the computer doesn’t bat an eyelid.[/quote]
I’ve got old Mac Book Pro with 2.56 Dual core and while I’m not able to run 20 instances of Omnisphere it’s enough power to work comfortably.
Latency? What latency? My PC runs like a dream
[quote]Roben (21/12/2010)[hr]Latency? What latency? My PC runs like a dream[/quote]
+1 and half the price - its not shiny though
[quote]slender (21/12/2010)[hr][quote]Roben (21/12/2010)[hr]Latency? What latency? My PC runs like a dream[/quote]
+1 and half the price - its not shiny though :([/quote]
Mine is! And it glows a really nice blue
[quote]Roben (21/12/2010)[hr][quote]slender (21/12/2010)[hr][quote]Roben (21/12/2010)[hr]Latency? What latency? My PC runs like a dream[/quote]
+1 and half the price - its not shiny though :([/quote]
Mine is! And it glows a really nice blue :P[/quote]
Oh I thought it would be an orangy red and by your window
I had the red lamp for that
I’ve had PC’s & have a Mac Pro currently.
Its just a machine. I prefer it to the PC’s that I’ve had, but then again, I never spent more than €400 on any of my previous PC’s - so you cant compare it with a built PC.
For me, it depends on what you want to use. I want to use Logic - so thats why I got it. To be fair, I had Ableton @ the time I bought it originally & it was only after a year or so that I ditched it for Logic… but it was something that was in the back of my mind when I was choosing. I knew that I might want to possibly try Logic at some point. Didnt realise it didnt come with a demo, so that was a leap of faith!
That tells ya something doesnt it - NO DEMO FOR LOGIC :w00t:
I’ve had no major crashes. Everying works… and really well. Dont really know the prices / spec of anything out there now to advise, as I genuinely dont lust after spec anymore. Only thing is, I dont think I’ll upgrade anything, either OS or Logic for a long time to come. I think the updates make your machine obsolete long before it actually is
Someday it will die, like all the rest. If it costs to much to repair, I’ll get a good 2nd hand one. You can get some really good fkn deals.
Think an imac it is then. i love logic and i do use ableton along side it but as i taught myself logic i know it better so easier to stick with what works
oh and as for the “my pc glows blue” hahahaha thats such a geek thing
[quote]Roben (21/12/2010)[hr]Get a PC, twice the power, half the cost.[/quote]
ok so you say but i’ve never seen any proof for that, windows eats half your system resorses, so they need to be more powerful lol
**** dude ive got a mac mini from like 4 years ago and its still not needing to up grade, all the latest plugs run with out any problems and i can hit over 100 plugins with out break down
i’ve jus got a 21inch imac and its the absolute bollocks!!
screen size helps massively!!