his mother didnt love him
[quote]gofunk (27/03/2011)[hr]his mother didnt love him[/quote]
Your child doesnt love you.
And I dont hate anyone. PLUR bitchez! Everyone use to be kind and helpful around here, but it has turned into another forum where everyone is mean to one another. I get **** on in topics that I have never put a post in, and all I do is try and teach and help others.
but u did post in this one… anyway banter is banter. lighten up, maybe ur mum will love u again if u do :hehe:
Seriously tho Howie that post Wayne put in his sig has to go down as reply of the year it actually made me lol…
[quote]howiegroove (27/03/2011)[hr][quote]gofunk (27/03/2011)[hr]his mother didnt love him[/quote]
Your child doesnt love you.
And I dont hate anyone. PLUR bitchez! Everyone use to be kind and helpful around here, but it has turned into another forum where everyone is mean to one another. I get **** on in topics that I have never put a post in, and all I do is try and teach and help others.[/quote]
we know that your trying to help howie but in the process you sometimes come off like were all idiots.
[quote]gofunk (27/03/2011)[hr]but u did post in this one… anyway banter is banter. lighten up, maybe ur mum will love u again if u do :hehe:[/quote]
Im good… Your kid still wont love you though.
[quote]willidaniel (28/03/2011)[hr][quote]howiegroove (27/03/2011)[hr][quote]gofunk (27/03/2011)[hr]his mother didnt love him[/quote]
Your child doesnt love you.
And I dont hate anyone. PLUR bitchez! Everyone use to be kind and helpful around here, but it has turned into another forum where everyone is mean to one another. I get **** on in topics that I have never put a post in, and all I do is try and teach and help others.[/quote]
we know that your trying to help howie but in the process you sometimes come off like were all idiots.[/quote]
Maybe because I just answer the question? I usually forget to sugar coat everything so that everyone feels all warm and fuzzy. The only thing that annoys me is when people dont search before they ask questions. Wayne is the worst culprit of them all!
[quote]howiegroove (28/03/2011)[hr][quote]willidaniel (28/03/2011)[hr][quote]howiegroove (27/03/2011)[hr][quote]gofunk (27/03/2011)[hr]his mother didnt love him[/quote]
Your child doesnt love you.
And I dont hate anyone. PLUR bitchez! Everyone use to be kind and helpful around here, but it has turned into another forum where everyone is mean to one another. I get **** on in topics that I have never put a post in, and all I do is try and teach and help others.[/quote]
we know that your trying to help howie but in the process you sometimes come off like were all idiots.[/quote]
Maybe because I just answer the question? I usually forget to sugar coat everything so that everyone feels all warm and fuzzy. The only thing that annoys me is when people dont search before they ask questions. Wayne is the worst culprit of them all! :D[/quote]
i know what your saying. although most of the time when people are posting a problem and really looking for some help after trying many different things
sometimes a cold glass of water in the face doesn’t really help howie… sometimes it can just piss you off even more… thus creating a not so friendly thread
i think some of us spend more time on the creation side of the music and not so much the tech side of things. i know i do!!
No howie is right about people not utilizing the search function on here and if you do a search and nothing comes up, mabey try google etc? Its just annoying having to answer the same question 100 times…
meh, each to their own. if i wanna ask a question I will, I’m not gonna not ask a questioin because some knob jocky has been having a moan about people not using the search function… yawn
as howie would say “don’t care”
[quote]gofunk (28/03/2011)[hr]meh, each to their own. if i wanna ask a question I will, I’m not gonna not ask a questioin because some knob jocky has been having a moan about people not using the search function… yawn
as howie would say “don’t care”[/quote]
No problem man. I understand that you want everyone to do your work for you and that you are piggybacking off of everyone elses knowledge instead of doing a little work. For someone that has released two tracks, I find that rather sickening.
Might as well say, “I dont have time to make amazing music, ill just have someone else make it for me and talk all the credit”…yawn
I wanted to add one more thing… If you go to DOA, dubstepforums, or IDMF, and say what you just said or ask all the same questions over and over again, you would get crucified. So now that i think about it, you should stay under the safe confines of the SA umbrella. We dont want something to happen like what happened on the Anjunabeats forum again, now do we?
Lol I nevet really payed attention to it but howie reckons you are the worst one wayne lol…
What happened at the Anjunabeats forum?? (or is that mentioned somewhere in this thread that I can’t be bothered to read?)
[quote]Roben (28/03/2011)[hr]What happened at the Anjunabeats forum?? (or is that mentioned somewhere in this thread that I can’t be bothered to read?)[/quote]
No, it was never mentioned here. Ill try to get the link for you, but basically he got ripped apart and didn’t take it very well. It was quite funny actually.
opinions are like noses, everybody’s got 1.
but what I agree with howie 100% on is this…
People on this board post up 2 many questions that they should be doing on their own.
You won’t learn ANYTHING if you ask everybody else how to do EVERYTHING.
For Example…
Big Fat Kick Drums … right now in the main topic area.
The first response should have been. Watch the Kicks Tutorials & practice.
Other thread notables… “help hooking up X”, “what sound card”, “pc or mac”.
Use the search function. Use Google. Do some freaking research. Make your own opinion.
Practice. I’ve learned 1,000% more from practicing then I have from any tutorial.
I listen to others that have done things before me, but nothing can replace having the knowledge yourself.
The funny thing is, most the answers are already on the forum as pretty much most questions regarding basic / intermediate production and problems has already been asked and answered already.
But should we come down on someone for asking? No, it’s stupid. But if it’s blatent where they’ve just been too lazy to make any sort of effort then sure by all means.
[quote]Roben (28/03/2011)[hr]The funny thing is, most the answers are already on the forum as pretty much most questions regarding basic / intermediate production and problems has already been asked and answered already.
But should we come down on someone for asking? No, it’s stupid. But if it’s blatent where they’ve just been too lazy to make any sort of effort then sure by all means. ;)[/quote]
Which is why I get on Wayne. He refuses to do any work and just reaps the benefits of other peoples knowledge instead of doing research.
BTW, you wanted the forum link. Its below. Quite funny!
[quote]Roben (28/03/2011)[hr]The funny thing is, most the answers are already on the forum as pretty much most questions regarding basic / intermediate production and problems has already been asked and answered already.
But should we come down on someone for asking? No, it’s stupid. But if it’s blatent where they’ve just been too lazy to make any sort of effort then sure by all means. ;)[/quote]
yah i don’t really mind it when “new” members ask repeat questions. It’s expected.
But i do think its probably much needed when howie busts somebody’s balls and reminds them their over thinking it.
Especially if its somebody that has been on the board & producing for over a year or 2.
We all know people are going to ask questions which have been answered countless times - its the nature of forums - you don’t have to read them or answer them if you don’t want you - so I don’t really see it being so much of a big deal
I presume (if we can) we will help whoever out, old or new - it benefits us as music production students (as we are all here, which sometimes I think people forget) I also think it helps us older members to remember what we were all like not so many years ago and how we have progressed. And the endless questions we had at that time which we are all probably seeking the answer too
As for Wayne, I said it before he over thinks things and strives for perfection - should we slate him for that - I hope not on this board
But equally UV is right your not going to learn anything if you do not practice, experiment practice, experiment, practice, experiment - like life there is no easy short cut to anything we do