Hi again @redshikibu
Sorry for late reply
Hmm, that’s a bit strange, especially if you uninstall & reinstall KICK 2 following the previous procedure.
You could try the following things :
- First be sure to be up to date with Logic, recently was an update to 10.4.7
-Then open Logic, go to Preferences/Plug-In Manager… again, find the Kick2 AU plugin, select it ( highlighted ) and try several times to perform a “Reset & Rescan Selection” using the button at the bottom of the manager.
I’ve seen cases where you have to force this and it just worked.
- If that doesn’t work, close Logic and go to this folder on your Mac :
Your MacOS HDD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components and find Kick 2.component Select it and holding Cmd on you keyboard, drag it from the Components folder onto your Desktop. Make sure you haven’t got any more Kick2.component file in this Component folder.
Then download this app ( Permission Reset ) from here Download Permissions Reset by Ohanaware Co., Ltd. or use the one I’m putting here.
permissionsreset.zip (2.5 MB)
Unzip it, and you’ll have the app on your desktop, double click to open then just drag & drop Kick2.component from your desktop onto the app, once it appears in there click the “Reset” button confirm action by entering your Admin password if prompted.
Then open Logic once (without the Kick plug-in ), close it.
Select Kick2.component from your desktop and holding Cmd key again, drag it back inside
Your MacOS HDD/Library/Audio/Plug-Ins/Components folder.
Then reopen Logic again and go to the Plug-in Manager, check the status of the plugin.
- Another thing I’ve sometime seen is prior to installation, depending of what archive app you used to unzip the full Kick2. zip archive downloaded from your Sonic Academy account. So maybe try a fresh download and when it comes to un-ziping the archive, use a different archive manager app. I like to use Keka on MacOS.
If you need to go through the step of re-downloading and try a different app to un-archive the new .zip, then of course follow the uninstall procedure form the previous post before, you want to be sure everything is done correctly in order to avoid files & folder permission issues.
Hope this could help to fix your issue, report it back here