New FM mag DVD

That Discopolis video has a lot to answer for…

I reckon that it was the start of all the big laughs around here! :slight_smile:

I got a ‘telling off’ yesterday via PM due to me joking around with Howie?!

It’s funny because I can joke with you guys and it’s all fine, if it’s with Howie, i get a grilling. Doesn’t make sense really, anyways I take just as much grief on here as anyone else - if not more - but I know it’s all in good fun, I don’t get all hissy about it. To be honest I think it’s funny.

I wonder if ‘Sonic’ has a tut for that?

Actually did anyone notice that that Apple App Tut thread has dissapeared? lol

[quote]roben (15/07/2010)[hr]I got a ‘telling off’ yesterday via PM due to me joking around with Howie?!
It’s funny because I can joke with you guys and it’s all fine, if it’s with Howie, i get a grilling. Doesn’t make sense really, anyways I take just as much grief on here as anyone else - if not more - but I know it’s all in good fun, I don’t get all hissy about it. To be honest I think it’s funny.

I wonder if ‘Sonic’ has a tut for that?

Actually did anyone notice that that Apple App Tut thread has dissapeared? lol[/quote]

I wish more people would come in here - Its actually been a really cool way of getting to know eachother better…

If you step in here - Be prepared to not take anything seriously. I love being slagged. Its just a game.

If you dont know how to play -  Watch a Tut or DL an App. :hehe:

[quote]Actually did anyone notice that that Apple App Tut thread has dissapeared? lol


One down more too follow :smiley:

I love this forum, especially this section, we do talk a lot of sh*te, but it’s hiliarous!

When you’re in a good mood, you’re more creative, so even though we’re not always talking about music it keeps you buzzed just laughing at each other.

Making this section really was the best thing that SA has done for the forum.

Can this be our Theme Lads? LOL :smiley:

<EMBED height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=480 src=Bob Marley-Bad Boy - YouTube allowfullscreen=“true” allowscriptaccess=“always”>

[quote]ICN (15/07/2010)[hr]Can this be our Theme Lads? LOL :D<EMBED height=385 type=application/x-shockwave-flash width=480 src=Bob Marley-Bad Boy - YouTube allowfullscreen=“true” allowscriptaccess=“always”>[/quote]

You can be Martin Lawrence, i’ll be Will Smith… at least i get to do Téa Leoni :wink:


Its in.


Kerry Katona’s Prawn Hoover Saves the Planet!

No more Oil -Haha!

You should buy a scratchcard Slender!

[quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]Kerry Katona’s Prawn Hoover Saves the Planet!

No more Oil -Haha!

You should buy a scratchcard Slender![/quote]

It may also benefit the columbian coke industry as well :stuck_out_tongue:

Hey Roben,

That ****ing EcoDisk didnt work in my Mac either. Fck that.

Works fine in the Laptop - so thats cool… but an annoyance nonetheless.Hope they go back to destroying the environment in order to get the old disks back.

I dont mind AT ALL if my future kin have green skin 'cos I like to watchin Tut’s on another Computer.


[quote]ICN (16/07/2010)[hr]I dont mind AT ALL if my future kin have green skin 'cos I like to watchin Tut’s on another Computer.


here here!

You guys are hysterical!  Forums can be tricky sometimes I tend not to participate so much in most of them but I have been getting more and more involved in this one.  For the most part I like this forum even though I do get told off once in a while, ahhh I’m American and a New Yorker so I’m pretty much used to it.

That Eco FM DVD is driving me crazy…worked fine on my 8 year old PC but just made a horrific noise in my barely 2 year old Mac, go figure.

I wonder if there’s a tut for that?

[quote]rcorbo (16/07/2010)[hr]You guys are hysterical!  Forums can be tricky sometimes I tend not to participate so much in most of them but I have been getting more and more involved in this one.  For the most part I like this forum even though I do get told off once in a while, ahhh I’m American and a New Yorker so I’m pretty much used to it.

That Eco FM DVD is driving me crazy…worked fine on my 8 year old PC but just made a horrific noise in my barely 2 year old Mac, go figure.[/quote]

It all started @ the discopolis Thread. Thats when I realised that there were some people here with senses of humour. Its boring going  - How do I do that? ALL the time.

Nice to see peoples personalities - For better or for worse! LOL :smiley:

I’ve had some Mega Laughs on here recently. More people should join in.

Should we put a Thread in the Music Tech section about the Off-Topic :hehe:


Oh yeah… ****ing Eco Disks. If I didnt have a PC I’d be screwed.

Count me in to the madness! :smiley:

@ Roben

Not sure, but the Met Office have a “Tut Forcast” App that you can DL from

ive got an eco pc, so ive not had any problem with the disk. apparently the disk was made from fair trade plastic.

if you lick the disk it tastes just like all other organic and fair trade food.


[quote]jpgetty2win (16/07/2010)[hr]ive got an eco pc, so ive not had any problem with the disk. apparently the disk was made from fair trade plastic.

if you lick the disk it tastes just like all other organic and fair trade food.



LOL :smiley:

So finally the answer to life the universe and everthing = PC